Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Bachelor

Celeb News 101~
Britney~what are you thinking? She has been spotted all over the place with her new BFF Paris. There are tons of pics of these two partin it up!! Even a few pics of Brit flashing the camera her non underwear...what is up?? What the heck? I guess Brit has decided to throw herself back into the party scene now that she's single and fab?? Who knows? Britney we still have faith in you.
Kid Rock & Pamela Anderson~ are dunzo!! WTF?? These two are insane!! They've only been married like 4 months and they are already filing for divorce?? They got married like twenty times so you would of thought that this time they had a shot, guess not.
Kid Rock & Pamela Anderson~ are dunzo!! WTF?? These two are insane!! They've only been married like 4 months and they are already filing for divorce?? They got married like twenty times so you would of thought that this time they had a shot, guess not.
I've been a big slacker!!
Wow, I can't believe its been a week since I last wrote. WTF? This last week just flew by with Thanksgiving and my cousin Chelle being here. Speaking of we had so much fun together... it was fab to have her here and staying with me. We are soooo much alike that its kinda scary. I wish we were able to play like that all the time. The biznatch is moving to Ohio to live with her BF and I will definitely miss her!! We will for sure visit and shit but we all know that's not the same. It's a sad day!!!
Well, so let me tell you about my Thanksgiving. It was quite interesting to say the least. My mom and brother got in a huge fight and when I got there she was sitting in her room in the dark...she said she was sick and not feeling well... needless to say she didn't come out at all...not even to eat with us. Can you believe that shit? She said she's menopausing, sweet huh?? Why did I even go over there you ask?? No Idea?? After that madness we went up to my Aunt's house in Penryn and that was fun!! We had a great time going through some old pics she had from when we were younger. And she always has some sweet wine for us to try which we all know is definitely the way to my heart.
Last night I had my first sushi experience. Yes yes I was a sushi virgin. It was Joe's birthday and we went to Mukuni's. It was good. I tried a lot of different stuff and it was pretty yummie. It's always fun when a bunch of fun people get together for dinner.
This weekend I am off to the OC to visit my friend Tammy and to meet baby Austin. Woot!! I am sooo excited!!! I can't wait I always have so much fun when I see Tammy and even better I get to meet baby Austin. I just need to catch up on my sleep and do some laundry.
Well, so let me tell you about my Thanksgiving. It was quite interesting to say the least. My mom and brother got in a huge fight and when I got there she was sitting in her room in the dark...she said she was sick and not feeling well... needless to say she didn't come out at all...not even to eat with us. Can you believe that shit? She said she's menopausing, sweet huh?? Why did I even go over there you ask?? No Idea?? After that madness we went up to my Aunt's house in Penryn and that was fun!! We had a great time going through some old pics she had from when we were younger. And she always has some sweet wine for us to try which we all know is definitely the way to my heart.
Last night I had my first sushi experience. Yes yes I was a sushi virgin. It was Joe's birthday and we went to Mukuni's. It was good. I tried a lot of different stuff and it was pretty yummie. It's always fun when a bunch of fun people get together for dinner.
This weekend I am off to the OC to visit my friend Tammy and to meet baby Austin. Woot!! I am sooo excited!!! I can't wait I always have so much fun when I see Tammy and even better I get to meet baby Austin. I just need to catch up on my sleep and do some laundry.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Is the week over yet?
Let me tell you I am so glad this week is a short week...I definitely NEED it!! I am so over working at the moment and I just want to be at home sitting on my couch watching soaps hangin with my cosuin. She drove in last night from Vegas to stay the week with me and I am sooooooooooo excited!! I love that biatch so much!! We are so alike that its scary!! We have such a fantabulous time everytime we hang!! I miss her and am so glad she is here. Did I say how excited I am??
Well, let's see, my weekend was pretty good if I do say so myself. Friday night my brother and I went to John's Birthday party...Carly had a house party to celebrate our boy. I love that guy...we spent a lot of time in college hangin and he is definitely like my brother. I do have to take the credit for those two bitches getting married and stuff. Anyways, before that my bro and I hit up Thundervalley for a little gambling. We both lost $60 and left sad puppies, but whatever you can't win everytime. The rest of the weekend I spent cleaning...can I say how much I HATE cleaning?? I haven't cleaned my house that thoroughly in I don't know how long. But it had to be done and now its done and my ass doesn't have to worry about it. Sunday I was suppose to go out with Mr. Christopher but he had to bail on me...no just kiddin he had already made plans or something so we rescheduled. But now my cousin is here all week, so who knows when we will get to hang. Did I mention how stoked I am to have her here?? Well, happy Tuesday all and don't forget to watch Gilmore Girls tonight!!
Well, let's see, my weekend was pretty good if I do say so myself. Friday night my brother and I went to John's Birthday party...Carly had a house party to celebrate our boy. I love that guy...we spent a lot of time in college hangin and he is definitely like my brother. I do have to take the credit for those two bitches getting married and stuff. Anyways, before that my bro and I hit up Thundervalley for a little gambling. We both lost $60 and left sad puppies, but whatever you can't win everytime. The rest of the weekend I spent cleaning...can I say how much I HATE cleaning?? I haven't cleaned my house that thoroughly in I don't know how long. But it had to be done and now its done and my ass doesn't have to worry about it. Sunday I was suppose to go out with Mr. Christopher but he had to bail on me...no just kiddin he had already made plans or something so we rescheduled. But now my cousin is here all week, so who knows when we will get to hang. Did I mention how stoked I am to have her here?? Well, happy Tuesday all and don't forget to watch Gilmore Girls tonight!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Gilmore Girls
OMG! I must start today by talking about Tuesday nights Gilmore Girls. I know I am a day late but I don't care I must talk about it. It was crazy! Lorelai got married in Paris to Christopher!! Can you believe it?? What was she thinking?? WTF? They have only been dating a few months and frankly we all know she still has a thing for Luke. Don't get me wrong I like Christopher and all but marrying him, come on? I am still in shock. They totally made it out like she told Christopher no and then all of a sudden they are arriving home and she has a ring on...that is the last thing you see...I about died!! But I do have to say I heart Gilmore Girls!! What can I say they keep entertaining me and we all know my love for all things TV especially WB shows, well now it's CW or something.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Happy Tuesday~
Hello all! Happy Tuesday to you. Let's see, what's new with me? Well, my weekend was ok. Friday night I did absolutely nothing and it was fabulous! Saturday, Natasha and I went to Gretchen's baby shower. It was as fun as possible for a baby shower, I guess? That night I hung out at Natasha's and Jakx & Sammy got to play together. They love it when they get to hang out. Jakx was soooo tired...he slept most of Sunday. Oh, then Chris and I went to dinner Sunday night. All and all it was a pretty good weekend. Tonight I told Brenda that I would go to Dixie Chicks if she couldn't find anyone else to buy the ticket...but that I would not pay $60 and so she said she'd sell it me for $30. Whatever, I am not a huge fan of the Dixie Chicks but we all know that I love concerts...so we'll see.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Happy Friday~
I totally did not get a chance to write today...so here I am writing from home...its a new thing as I just got my ass out of the ice age and got myself some DSL. Holla!! Seriuosly that deserves another holla. The weekend is upon us. I have nothing exciting planned unfortuntely. A baby shower tomorrow and as of right now that is it. I do however have a date to watch at least some of new 90210 DVD. WooHoo! Hope everyone has a fab weekend and do something fun.
Celeb Gossip~
Britney news 101~ Can you believe the madness surrounding our beloved Brtiney? She ditches K-Fed and its like she's is a whole new woman. No more WT Britney ladies and gentlemen. Check it out~ http://trent.blogspot.com/ . The old diva is back!!!
Celeb Gossip~
Britney news 101~ Can you believe the madness surrounding our beloved Brtiney? She ditches K-Fed and its like she's is a whole new woman. No more WT Britney ladies and gentlemen. Check it out~ http://trent.blogspot.com/ . The old diva is back!!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The shopping gods are frowning
I think I lost my touch. Last night was the beginning of the Nordstorm's half yearly sale www.nordstrom.com and I really didn't find anything overly fabulous!! I went for shoes and didn't end up getting any shoes, WTF?? What's my issue? I am usually a better shopper then that. I did get a new Nike outfit but sadly I am not in love with it like I was when I bought it...& the jacket is tight...damn hips...back it goes. I did buy some Seven jeans, but I haven't made up my mind on them yet either. The only thing I am definitely keeping is a black borning hoddie I bought?? WTF? I am so disappointed in myself and my shopping abilities. I think I am definitely losing my touch. I will have to go back and return my shiat and see what else Nordies has to offer.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Britney & K-Fed Dunzo

I would like to remind everyone to go out and VOTE today!!! It is very important to get as many of us out there to do our civil duty. It's sad that not all Americans vote...its a previldge to be an American and you would think that all of us would want a voice in our future. SO PLEASE VOTE!!!
It's here!

Monday, November 06, 2006
More issues for me...
First off I haven't had a chance to write about my crazy phone issues at my house... I have no dial tone and cannot call out...but it gets better when you call my number you get some random guy named James, yes that's correct some guy named James is getting all my calls, WTF, why does this shit only happen to me?? The phone company is coming today between 3-7 to fix my issue...even more convinent is the fact that I have to get off work early to sit at home and wait for some lame o to come and fix something that obliviously isn't even my fault...damn phone company obliviously did something, this shiat only happens to me, ya know??
Anyways, onto the important stuff. My weekend was good. Saturday I hung out with the infamous Ms. Carly...anyone who knows her knows that she is extremely hard to pin down and she is just so busy all the time that we rarely get to hang anymore. It was fab to catch-up with the biatch. We have known each other since our high school years & boy have we had some crazy times together!! The stories that we could tell. Then, Sunday I went to Randa's baby shower and then hit the mall with Brenda. The mall was insane and I was quite disappointed that I didn't find anything fabulous or at least fabulously on sale. Whatever I must be losing my touch...
Anyways, onto the important stuff. My weekend was good. Saturday I hung out with the infamous Ms. Carly...anyone who knows her knows that she is extremely hard to pin down and she is just so busy all the time that we rarely get to hang anymore. It was fab to catch-up with the biatch. We have known each other since our high school years & boy have we had some crazy times together!! The stories that we could tell. Then, Sunday I went to Randa's baby shower and then hit the mall with Brenda. The mall was insane and I was quite disappointed that I didn't find anything fabulous or at least fabulously on sale. Whatever I must be losing my touch...
I want to be Ellen when I grow up!
I've decided I want to be Ellen or Oprah when I grow up. I want to get paid millions to have my own talk show and kick it with celebs all day!! Doesn't that sound just lovely? I can be funny and I can be witty!! Then I would of course pay Natasha millions to work for me and we would get to rub elbows with the rich and famous because we would be famous!! Don't you love how I am able to dream big? Sounds fabulous and way better then sitting at a desk all day?? One day ladies & gentlemen, one day!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Is it the weekend yet?
Last night Natasha and I went to my FAV resturant Bandera...everyone knows that I totally like heart Bandera! I love it!! Our waiter had a big time attitude but other then that the food was delicious. Tonight I plan on watching a little TV and getting my booty to the gym.
In the wonderful world of TV~
I am quite excited yet not because The OC starts tonight but is on the same time as Grey's Anatomy...damn and I have a hella old DVR that only allows you to tape one show at a time, lame I know?? Guess this means I need to break down and upgrade to a new one. But back to the important thing THE OC starts tonight. Can you tell I'm excited? I know that I am a big dork and I totally embrace my dorkiness!!!
One Tree Hill~dets to come tomorrow as I did not watch it last night.
In the celebrity world~
Madonna is making the rounds about her adoption of little David to basically defend herself. I feel as though the whole thing got blown way out of proportion. The lady is just adopting a child who otherwise wouldn't have had a future, props to her is what I say...why criticize her for it?
In the wonderful world of TV~
I am quite excited yet not because The OC starts tonight but is on the same time as Grey's Anatomy...damn and I have a hella old DVR that only allows you to tape one show at a time, lame I know?? Guess this means I need to break down and upgrade to a new one. But back to the important thing THE OC starts tonight. Can you tell I'm excited? I know that I am a big dork and I totally embrace my dorkiness!!!
One Tree Hill~dets to come tomorrow as I did not watch it last night.
In the celebrity world~
Madonna is making the rounds about her adoption of little David to basically defend herself. I feel as though the whole thing got blown way out of proportion. The lady is just adopting a child who otherwise wouldn't have had a future, props to her is what I say...why criticize her for it?
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