Thursday, November 02, 2006

Is it the weekend yet?

Last night Natasha and I went to my FAV resturant Bandera...everyone knows that I totally like heart Bandera! I love it!! Our waiter had a big time attitude but other then that the food was delicious. Tonight I plan on watching a little TV and getting my booty to the gym.

In the wonderful world of TV~

I am quite excited yet not because The OC starts tonight but is on the same time as Grey's Anatomy...damn and I have a hella old DVR that only allows you to tape one show at a time, lame I know?? Guess this means I need to break down and upgrade to a new one. But back to the important thing THE OC starts tonight. Can you tell I'm excited? I know that I am a big dork and I totally embrace my dorkiness!!!

One Tree Hill~dets to come tomorrow as I did not watch it last night.

In the celebrity world~

Madonna is making the rounds about her adoption of little David to basically defend herself. I feel as though the whole thing got blown way out of proportion. The lady is just adopting a child who otherwise wouldn't have had a future, props to her is what I say...why criticize her for it?

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