Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Friday~

I totally did not get a chance to write here I am writing from home...its a new thing as I just got my ass out of the ice age and got myself some DSL. Holla!! Seriuosly that deserves another holla. The weekend is upon us. I have nothing exciting planned unfortuntely. A baby shower tomorrow and as of right now that is it. I do however have a date to watch at least some of new 90210 DVD. WooHoo! Hope everyone has a fab weekend and do something fun.

Celeb Gossip~

Britney news 101~ Can you believe the madness surrounding our beloved Brtiney? She ditches K-Fed and its like she's is a whole new woman. No more WT Britney ladies and gentlemen. Check it out~ . The old diva is back!!!

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