Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Can I get a woot woot??
Howdy to all!! It's Tuesday which means the week is progressing. Woot!! My night was ok. I actually managed to get to the gym. Can I get a woot woot? It was a short workout but better then nothing right?? Chris was leaving as I got there so I got to say hi to him which was fun. Then I went to the store and bought some random shit I needed before heading home. Other then that I didn't really do much except watch a little TV. I have nothing really on the agenda for tonight... I should really be good and continue my quest for gold and hit the gym. We'll see. But all I know is I hope this day goes by fast!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Happy Monday!
So the work week starts again. This Monday has been kinda busy for me... but that's good because hopefully the day will fly by. My weekend was quite nice if I do say so myself. Friday night Mr. Christopher and I hit Happy Hour at The Spa bar at Spartaros. It was great! They have a good happy hour but only til 6:30. Then we went to see Transformers. It was pretty good, the special affects were awesome. Saturday I hung around my house and did some chores. Then I met my bro at the Folsom outlets. I watched him do a little shopping since I didn't find anything. Yes, I know I didn't buy one thing?? The shopping gods weren't with me, I guess?? Then we hit up Chevy's for some Mexican & Margaritas. It was yummy!! I love me some Chevy's. Sunday I did some more shit around my pad and took my mutt on a walk. Actually I thought I gave poor Jakx heat stroke... by the end of our walk he just stopped and laid in the grass. I cooled him down with a wet towel when we got home and he was diggin it. I felt sooo bad though he was soooo hot!! Guess our walk was a little long for him in the hot weather. Then last night I went to hang out at Chris's and we just chilled and watched a little TV. It was nice! All and all a nice low key weekend!!
Tonight I plan to go to the gym. I went Thursday for the first time in like forever and it was a struggle. So I figured I need to continue and just suck it up and go... I need to get back into my routine and I'll be fine!
Tonight I plan to go to the gym. I went Thursday for the first time in like forever and it was a struggle. So I figured I need to continue and just suck it up and go... I need to get back into my routine and I'll be fine!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
It's Thursday
I am way happy to report that this work week is almost over. I can see the end. Woot!! I have nothing really planned yet for the weekend but I'm sure I'll get into something. I always do! Natasha and Joe are going camping. Yes you heard me right, Miss anti-camping is going camping. I give her props for giving it a go. We'll see. HeHe! I'm drinking my latte right now and it is exceptionally good today so I be a happy lady. This morning I was woken up by this random number that keeps calling my phone and frankly I hardly ever answer unknown numbers due to my dad trying to get me on the phone... if they really wanted to talk to me they'd leave a message, ya know? And this number has called numerous times before, so they have to have heard that this is Jenny's phone on my voice mail. Random huh?? I guess I just need to answer next time? But with my luck it's someone my dad owes money too or something?
My night was good. I went up to Chris's for dinner. We met his fam at the country club... they have a buffet every Wednesday night and it was yummy. I got to meet his other brother Casey who was in town visiting, I know weird his brother is named Casey too? He was very cool. They have the exact same laugh.
Tonight my goal of the evening is to drag my booty to the gym. Wish me luck. I really need to get back in the swing of it and then I think I'll be fine. But I majorly did it up all last week so I need to get back into my workout routine for sure!
My night was good. I went up to Chris's for dinner. We met his fam at the country club... they have a buffet every Wednesday night and it was yummy. I got to meet his other brother Casey who was in town visiting, I know weird his brother is named Casey too? He was very cool. They have the exact same laugh.
Tonight my goal of the evening is to drag my booty to the gym. Wish me luck. I really need to get back in the swing of it and then I think I'll be fine. But I majorly did it up all last week so I need to get back into my workout routine for sure!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Marc Jacobs Perfume Eau de Parfum Spray

Can I get a holla?
Can I get a holla for the week being half over? Holla! My week has been good so I really can't complain. Monday Mr. Chris came over after work. He started a new job and works normal hours... woot... and we went for some pizza and beer at some place in Folsom called Chicago Fire. It was yummy! Have I mentioned my love for pizza? And last night Miss Carly took me out for some food and drinks for my birthday. We went to Fridays... which is always good for some greasy food. It was good to see her even if she bailed on my party for no other reason then they stayed home, whatever huh? How dare she miss my party? Geeze? Her loss. Well, today is turning out to be a chill day... work is slow... here's hoping the day doesn't drag.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I wish every weekend could be this fun!
Back to reality for sure!! My birthday week is over... no bueno!! I had a fantabulous birthday!! Friday Chris and I went to a few wineries and just kinda chilled the rest of the day! Then Saturday the big festivities happened! I had a party at 58 and a bunch of my friends came out to celebrate! We had so much great wine that is was just crazy! I couldn't even tell you how much we drank, but it was a lot! Casey hooked us up with a great menu and as usual the food was delicious! I had a fabulous time and was just happy to be able to spend the day with my friends and family. I have to upload the pics so you can see. I am bummed that I didn't get a picture of the beautiful table or of everyone together... damn that's what happens when you get drunk!! I got lots of cool presents too! Natasha got me a shirt from Banana and the Marc Jacobs perfume I wanted and damn does it smell good. I keep smelling it today and it just smells so delicious! Lisa got me a gift card from Nordie's... ummm that's always a fav! And Mr. Chris got me some bump for my car!! Woot I'm excited! Everyone knows of my love for loud music! Hehe! Yesterday I was a little slow, but I recovered nicely! I wish every weekend could be as much fun!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I heart birthdays!
Wow! All I gotta to say is I am totally in need of my day off tomorrow! It's my birthday week for goodness sake every one should have to be nice to me... shouldn't it be a rule? Geeze? My mom said I had an attitude this morning and luckily I have tomorrow off cause it sounds like I need it. Whatever. I don't think I had an attitude what so ever. But whatever it's part of the catch 22 of working for your mother. And in the next breath she states I need to go by her house and get part of my present she has. Wow, what do you say to that? She is being awfully nice and throwing in money for my party Saturday night, so I guess I really have no room to bitch at all? Anyways enough with that tangent. How is everyone doing? I'm just peachy! I only ended up having to work a half day yesterday and it was glorious! I went home and watched soaps and was a lazy lady! It was greeeaat! Tonight I plan to treat myself to a mani/pedi. Oh, I can't wait. Then tomorrow Chris and I are gonna play. I think it's just great to have the day off. I need it! We'll probably go wine tasting up in Amador? Something low key... gotta rest up for Saturday night!~ We are having a little shindig for my birthday at 58. They are being sooo nice and giving us the hook up. Plus we get to be VIPs and use the back room. Woot Woot! I'm way excited to get to hang with everyone. Jakx is going to stay the night tomorrow at Natasha's. Thanks girlie! Wow I heart birthdays! If only every weekend was this fun!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Is the work day over yet?
Hmmm, is this work day over yet or what? I'm counting down the minutes! My night was low key last night. I was lazy and laid on the couch, got some take-out, and did mainly nothing. It was a lovely way to end a Monday. So I watched that Victoria Beckham show and I have to say it was way good. I actually found myself liking Mrs. Beckham. She was definitely different then I expected. Too bad they aren't going to air any more episodes because I was a little entertained by her. Tonight I am heading over to Natasha's to play. We are gonna do dinner and let the boyz play. Should be good times!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Week to me!
Happy Birthday week to me! Woot! Yep that's right I get a whole week. I'm not even gonna let the fact that my morning has been crazy let it hinder my birthday week mood! Can you believe my booty is gonna be 28? Birthdays make things a little better! Hehe!
My weekend was superb! Friday night I ventured to the mall after work on my quest to find the perfect jeans. And can I get a holla? Because I bought a pair of adorable Joe Jeans. They look damn good on me if I do say so myself. They were quite expensive but I have been waiting a while now and it was my present to myself! Woot! Then I went home was way lazy laid on the couch, drank some wine, and caught up on some TV. It was nice just to do nothing.
Saturday I slept in. Then after I dragged my ass out of bed I took the kids to get their nails cut at the vet. After that I got my eye brows did. Phew! They desperately needed it! Then Mr. Christopher had the night off so we went out. We went to one of my fav Italian place Paesano's. It was yummy! I ate the same thing I always do so I vowed to switch it up next time! I always say that. After we walked over to 58 to say hi to my bro and have a little chocolate lave cake. Hmmm, it was delicious! It was nice to hang with Chris on a Saturday night since he usually has to work!
Then Sunday I was a little productive and cleaned up around the pad. Did a little vacuuming, laundry, and a quick clean of the bathrooms. That's all the cleaning I could handle for a fine Sunday. LOL! I also took my jeans to get altered. I always have to get my pants altered... damn being so short. Not really. I embrace my shortness! Later on my bro randomly called and asked if I wanted to hit Bandera. Ummm, is that a trick question? Every one knows I love that place! And it is my birthday week and all so I'm gonna do it up as much as possible! Only I ended up losing at Credit Card Roulette... damn huh??? He payed last time so I refused to let him pay again. Damn, I shouldn't of argued! What was I thinking?
Here's to a fantabulous week!!! BTW~ I am totally digging my hair now... I am over my hair shock! I actually did it Saturday night and I have now decided its cute! Cute and short for summer!
My weekend was superb! Friday night I ventured to the mall after work on my quest to find the perfect jeans. And can I get a holla? Because I bought a pair of adorable Joe Jeans. They look damn good on me if I do say so myself. They were quite expensive but I have been waiting a while now and it was my present to myself! Woot! Then I went home was way lazy laid on the couch, drank some wine, and caught up on some TV. It was nice just to do nothing.
Saturday I slept in. Then after I dragged my ass out of bed I took the kids to get their nails cut at the vet. After that I got my eye brows did. Phew! They desperately needed it! Then Mr. Christopher had the night off so we went out. We went to one of my fav Italian place Paesano's. It was yummy! I ate the same thing I always do so I vowed to switch it up next time! I always say that. After we walked over to 58 to say hi to my bro and have a little chocolate lave cake. Hmmm, it was delicious! It was nice to hang with Chris on a Saturday night since he usually has to work!
Then Sunday I was a little productive and cleaned up around the pad. Did a little vacuuming, laundry, and a quick clean of the bathrooms. That's all the cleaning I could handle for a fine Sunday. LOL! I also took my jeans to get altered. I always have to get my pants altered... damn being so short. Not really. I embrace my shortness! Later on my bro randomly called and asked if I wanted to hit Bandera. Ummm, is that a trick question? Every one knows I love that place! And it is my birthday week and all so I'm gonna do it up as much as possible! Only I ended up losing at Credit Card Roulette... damn huh??? He payed last time so I refused to let him pay again. Damn, I shouldn't of argued! What was I thinking?
Here's to a fantabulous week!!! BTW~ I am totally digging my hair now... I am over my hair shock! I actually did it Saturday night and I have now decided its cute! Cute and short for summer!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th
Today is Friday the 13th. Hmmm? Hopes nothing random happens. So I kinda decided that I let Miss Kelley cut too much off my hair. I always do this... I go into hair shock. I told her an inch, but I think she definitely cut off more then an inch. I mean don't get me wrong it looks way cute, its just short. I know I am gonna freak when I wash it and realize how truly short it is.
Last night was another crazy night in the world of Bunco. It was at Debbie's house and the food was yummy pizza, I love me some pizza. We only ended up playing half a game because poor Miss Jessica got into a car accident and we were waiting for her. Her pretty little Lexus was smashed up pretty bad. Damn Carly won again! See what happens when we let subs play... they win!! At least I won the traveling prize and I made $5. Hehe!
The weekend is here and I am way stoked! I'm ready for it!
Last night was another crazy night in the world of Bunco. It was at Debbie's house and the food was yummy pizza, I love me some pizza. We only ended up playing half a game because poor Miss Jessica got into a car accident and we were waiting for her. Her pretty little Lexus was smashed up pretty bad. Damn Carly won again! See what happens when we let subs play... they win!! At least I won the traveling prize and I made $5. Hehe!
The weekend is here and I am way stoked! I'm ready for it!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I get me hair did~
Happy almost Friday! Woot! Today should be a fantabulous day for me. I am leaving work early to get my hair did and then tonight I have Bunco! Woot! I heart getting my hair did! Plus I'm so over having roots. Last night was good my bro and I hit up Bistro for Happy Hour. It was great! We had appetizers, wine and dinner for $45 bucks... can't beat it!! Then we went and walked around the mall. I am on the hunt for over priced jeans but I couldn't find any? I want to buy myself some for my birthday. But they gotta look damn good, ya know? Not just ok. If I am gonna fork over the cash they gotta fit awesome! I need to definitely spend more time on this task. More to come!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The week is half over...
OMG! Finally the week is half way over! Woot Woot! Thank goodness!!! This week has been no bueno. I know I know I've been using that saying a lot. Its my saying of the moment. You know me I always have random sayings... the best is when I get both Natasha and Chris using my sayings. It rubs off. LOL! I definitely entertain myself sometimes. So I definitely deserve a gold star for getting my ass to the gym last night. I did some cardio and a little lifting. I felt better for sure! It always gives me more energy and makes me feel better about my crappy eating. Hehe! That's horrible huh? That I try to justify my bad eating by working out once. Tonight I think my bro and I might hit up Happy Hour downtown somewhere? See there goes hitting the gym tonight. See how that works... something better comes along and poof out the window the gym goes...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Today has to be better...
Well, today has to definitely be a better day then yesterday. My Mom has decided to ignore the fact that she went all ballistic on me. Whatever, I guess?? Did she even ask how the game was or anything, nope! And she wonders why she never knows anything about my world. Hmmm, it's her loss, ya know? See she gets me sooo worked up sometimes! I'm done. No more even talking about it. Last night I was a total bum and just sat on the couch and watched a little TV. I am totally into Big Brother already and its only like the first week. This crazy girl Jen (she gives the name a bad rap) went crazy because she didn't like the picture they used on the wall for her. She seriously went crazy. Are you sure? Is it worth getting that worked up over a picture? I don't think so. Oh how entertaining BB can be. Tonight I plan to drag my booty to the gym. I must! It's not an option to bail. I haven't been in like forever. And next week is my birthday week and I'm not sure I should have to work out then? Hehe not a good excuse, but sounds good, don't ya think?
Monday, July 09, 2007
Mondays are no bueno!
Wow, can today be over yet?? Mondays are muy no bueno! For Sure!! My weekend was fantabulous though so I really can't complain at all. Well, except for my mother going ballistic... but that's a whole different story... not sure I wanna get all worked up again. So anyhow back to the weekend festivities. Friday night I went over to The Deegan's for their party. It was good times. I hadn't seen any of those fools in a long time so it was fun. And as always the food was delicious.
Then Saturday morning I slept in til way late and it was glorious! I have a no alarm thingy on my days off and it was just fab to sleep in. Then for dinner I went to my bro's work. He made me a delicious Steak Sandwich and then we had us some wine when he got off. We had a great Syrah by Marilleni. Good times! I also treated myself to a fab bottle of wine for my birthday celebration. Nickel & Nickel Cabernet... never heard of it but was told it's just divine and with my bro's discount it was even better... an $80 bottle for $60 can't beat it! Have I mentioned that I heart wine? And I just looove the fact that Casey works at a wine bar. Hmmm, what else could you ask for?
Sunday Mr. Christopher and I went to the A's Game. We had a great time! The weather was super and our seats were good too. Can't beat it! We had us some beer and hot dogs and watched the A's get their booty's kicked. Chris was way entertained because there was a brawl. It was definitely a great day for a baseball game. We took some pics so maybe I'll post a few tomorrow.
Hopes this Monday goes by a little faster!
Then Saturday morning I slept in til way late and it was glorious! I have a no alarm thingy on my days off and it was just fab to sleep in. Then for dinner I went to my bro's work. He made me a delicious Steak Sandwich and then we had us some wine when he got off. We had a great Syrah by Marilleni. Good times! I also treated myself to a fab bottle of wine for my birthday celebration. Nickel & Nickel Cabernet... never heard of it but was told it's just divine and with my bro's discount it was even better... an $80 bottle for $60 can't beat it! Have I mentioned that I heart wine? And I just looove the fact that Casey works at a wine bar. Hmmm, what else could you ask for?
Sunday Mr. Christopher and I went to the A's Game. We had a great time! The weather was super and our seats were good too. Can't beat it! We had us some beer and hot dogs and watched the A's get their booty's kicked. Chris was way entertained because there was a brawl. It was definitely a great day for a baseball game. We took some pics so maybe I'll post a few tomorrow.
Hopes this Monday goes by a little faster!
Friday, July 06, 2007
The weekend is here!
Happy Friday!! Yeah I'm sooo excited for it to be the weekend! I'm soooo ready for it. Today I got my first Birthday card... hehe Macy's sent me $10 for my birthday. Funny huh? That probably means that I shop there waaaay too much. My brother also got my the Tiffany's bracelet I wanted... the tag link one that every one has. But I have wanted it forever and I forked over some cash for his iphone so he got me that damn bracelet... woot woot I love it! Last nigt I passed out on the couch soooo early, like 9ish. Then I woke up for an hour around midnight and watched a bit of TV before passing out again. It was lovely! I was one tired lady. My body needed a little r & r after the 4th. Tonight Natasha and Joe are having a party for one of Joe's friends that is moving. It should be good times. Parties at The Deegan's are always fun! Sunday Chris and I are going to the A's game. I got him tickets for his graduation and we are finally going. I'm excited! I haven't been to a baseball game in forever. All and all should be a great weekend, don't ya think?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Miss Macy says Happy 4th
Back 2 Reality!
Booh working after having a holiday! We should automatically get the day after the 4th off, don't ya think?? Sounds good to me. My 4th was fantabulous!! But unfortuntely Miss Natasha was deathly ill and her BBQ was canceled... no bueno!! I ended up haning out in Murieta all day with Mr. Christopher and his fam. We had a great time!! His fam is fun! We woke up and drove in this parade thingy in his dad's mustang and threw candy at all the kids. It was fun but a little toasty even at 10am. I was melting. Then we went to lunch and wine tasting with his rents and grandparents. They are definitely entertaining... we had a good time! Then we took a little power nap to rally for the evening festivities! After we went over to his rents for a BBQ and headed out to watch fireworks. Murieta puts on an awesome fireworks show! It was great and we were sooo close it was cool. Good times!! Now it's back to reality and the fact that it's suppose to 105 today. Wish me luck dealing with the maddness!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Happy almost 4th!
Helllooo every one. Happy almost 4th of July to you! Woot Woot! I really like the 4th of July. I just wish it wasn't going to be so hot. My weekend was pretty good. Saturday Jakx and Sammy a play date. They had soooo much fun. Sunday Chris and I had breakfast at 33st Bistro and we sat outside, it was lovely. Then we went and walked around Old Sac. I hadn't been down there in a while so it was fun to just people watch and walk around and stuff. Tomorrow Natasha's is having a BBQ. Woot! I think we get to eat smores again! Exciting huh?? Before that I am gonna go up to Murieta and hang with Chris. We are going to go to lunch at one of the wineries. I wish we got every Wednesday off! Wouldn't that be glorious??
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