Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Can I get a holla?

Can I get a holla for the week being half over? Holla! My week has been good so I really can't complain. Monday Mr. Chris came over after work. He started a new job and works normal hours... woot... and we went for some pizza and beer at some place in Folsom called Chicago Fire. It was yummy! Have I mentioned my love for pizza? And last night Miss Carly took me out for some food and drinks for my birthday. We went to Fridays... which is always good for some greasy food. It was good to see her even if she bailed on my party for no other reason then they stayed home, whatever huh? How dare she miss my party? Geeze? Her loss. Well, today is turning out to be a chill day... work is slow... here's hoping the day doesn't drag.

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