Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy almost 4th!

Helllooo every one. Happy almost 4th of July to you! Woot Woot! I really like the 4th of July. I just wish it wasn't going to be so hot. My weekend was pretty good. Saturday Jakx and Sammy a play date. They had soooo much fun. Sunday Chris and I had breakfast at 33st Bistro and we sat outside, it was lovely. Then we went and walked around Old Sac. I hadn't been down there in a while so it was fun to just people watch and walk around and stuff. Tomorrow Natasha's is having a BBQ. Woot! I think we get to eat smores again! Exciting huh?? Before that I am gonna go up to Murieta and hang with Chris. We are going to go to lunch at one of the wineries. I wish we got every Wednesday off! Wouldn't that be glorious??

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