Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A crazy orange cat named Taylor

I thought that getting a cute orange cat would be so much fun. She would just be a cute cat who sits on your lap...not my cat.... she's insane! Taylor is a crazy orange female cat which I've been told is rare in itself as most orange cats are male, whom I've had for a year now. So far this cat has used up numerous of her lives. Let's see where do I start, well the first instance was the most crazy. The dang cat somehow swallowed a dime, yes that is correct a dime. And let me tell you it cost a pretty penny to remove this dime that had gotten stuck inside my cat. I plan on framing this costly dime. In the mean time, Taylor has figured out how to hunt and has brought me a couple of fun presents. Which would normally be fine, but this rodents have been alive half the time... lets see first it was a bird, which started flying around my house feathers flying as Taylor looks on proud of her doing. Then, it was another bird, this one not so lucky, but she proceeds to bring it upstairs and leave it by my bedroom, great thing to wake up too huh?? And the latest hunt was a bat, a bat that was still alive and making bat noises. Have you ever heard of a cat catching a bat before?? I mean come on. Needless to say, Taylor no longer has use of the doggie door in which she figured was there to bring in her prizes to me. Well, now the cat has done it again and she either was bit by something or fell on something and has a open wound on her stomach. And I have to now give her antibotics by mouth twice a day, and this is not an easy thing, let me tell you! It has actually become quite a process, she's smartened up and knows when I am coming at her with a towel (to hold her) that it's medicine time. I mean if anyone saw me running after my cat with a towel in one hand and a dropper in the other hand, they'd think I was insane. It actually makes me laugh, because this stuff always happens to me, only my cat would do this... what was I thinking getting a crazy orange cat?? All I have to say is she's lucky she's cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought my cat was the only dumb animal on earth to swallow a dime. And yes, mine will be framed too!