Monday, October 29, 2007

I know I know

I know I know I suck! I have been terrible at posting lately! Happy Monday all! My weekend was good. Friday I had the day off so even better huh?? Chris and I went to the wineries with his mom. It was fun just not to be working and even better to be drinking wine! Then Saturday night we went down to the Marina where my parents now keep their house boat to say hi and check out the dock party they were having. It was a good time! Afterwards we hit up Ernesto's for some Mexican food... yummy! Sunday we went up to Rancho Murieta for breakfast at the club. It was also yummy... I love me some good breakfast! Then I just did some stuff around my pad and took a nap. Lovely way to spend a Sunday huh??

Happy almost Halloween! Yay! I love Halloween!

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