Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's hump day again!

Yay it's Wednesday which means this week is half over! Woot!! I am drinking my coffee and surfing the net... way to be productive at work, huh?? My fav Starbucks lady Lee just informed that she no longer will be working weeks, booh she's soo nice and makes the best lattes ever. Whatever am I gonna do now? My night was ok. I unpacked, did shit around the pad, and a little laundry. Oh and the mutt and I decided to get a walk in. It was nice to get my booty off the couch and do a little cardio. Even if it was only 40 minutes... better then nothing I guess?? And Jakx and I are preparing for Sammy's arrival. Mr. Samuel Montgomery is going to be staying with Aunt Jenny tomorrow through Sunday. Woot! Well we may stay at Natasha's part of time? Who knows? It all depends on what unfolds and what I feel like. It's gonna be sooo fun to have two dogs. I will definitely be way entertained. They are totally funny when you get them together. They are like Batman and Robin... Jakx gets the attitude that he's the boss and Sammy just follows and does whatever Jakx does. Sammy is a greeeat sidekick. It's hilarious! They looovve each other! Who knows what crazy stuff will progress? More to come on the crazy duo.

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