Friday, August 31, 2007

I be ready to play!

Thank goodness it be Friday!! This week has lagged big time. I think it was my multi-tasking of working and trying to fit in attending recruitment school. Phew those ladies tire me out! Just wait til actual recruitment... I will be MIA for like 5 days! But it looks as though they have their shit together. They are really trying to make this year a fantabulous recruitment. All I hope is that there is no major drama... ha yeah right! So yesterday after leaving school I headed downtown for my wax appointment only to find out she had to cancel because of a family emergency. I am going to hell because I was pissed about it, well then come to find out her mom was in the hospital. Damn, I felt horrible! Then I get home and my dog got sick all over my bed. Oh and the cat left me a present in the form of a bird on my doorstep. What else happened? Oh I also spilt water everywhere and missed part of Big Brother due to the fact that I didn't get the memo that it was being showed on a different channel. So at that point I just opted to give up and sit on the couch and drink some wine! Things were just not going my way.

All I have to say is I am sooo glad it's a three day weekend! Woot! I need it! Tonight Chris and I gonna hang and attempt to go to my bro's work for dinner. I say attempt because it be way difficult to get a table there on a Friday night... so we'll see. Then tomorrow I think I am gonna join Natasha and Joe and head up to Truckee to Nicole and Tony's cabin for the night. It's the Rib Cook-ff in Reno and they go every year for Tony's birthday and it is fun! I went two years ago and we had some good times! I be ready to play!!

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