Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Something catchy is suppose to go here

Is it bad that I really couldn't think of a catchy title for today's post? Disappointing huh? What's my deal? Dunno? Why is it that coffee always makes the morning a little better?? Hmmm, I'm addicted!! And I just ate a bagel too even better! I was such a struggle bunny this morning trying to get my ass out of bed. I just was sooo tired and didn't want to get up at all. And you wanna know what's even more funny? I had planned to go the gym before work. Grrrrrr, why do I have such issues with getting up early to work out? I think it's my secret love for sleeping in just a little later even if it's a few minutes. I've been really slacking lately and need to get my ass back in gear. Last night I hung out with Natasha. We went to the ever popular Spag Fag (Spaghetti Factory) and it was delicious! So bad for you yet so good! The mutts had a great time running around in the backyard. It was quite entertaining for sure! Jakx is sooo tired today that its not even funny. Tonight I am having dinner with an old friend so to say... Miss Courtney... we really haven't hung out in years, so it should be interesting. Dets to come. We are going to Bandera and I'm really excited about that... I haven't been there in like forever.

Chris took his last final ever yesterday. That's so exciting for him!! He was stoked!! I think he's in denial that he doesn't have to study ever again. It's a weird thing to process at the time. HeHe! Props to him! What a big thing!

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