Monday, April 30, 2007

Why is it that Mondays & Jenny don't get along??

So my horoscope for the day says~"Give stressed-out loved ones some space today. You are not at fault." Hmmm, sometimes my horoscope is soooo right it's not even funny. I am not gonna go into dets but just trust me. You know those kind of days that you just know aren't gonna turn out good... yeah well this is one of them for sure!!! The only thing that has gone right is that my coffee is delicious today!! My day so far has entailed a Fucked up computer and an angry customer that I just loath and of course the prick has to be my first call of the morning... did I mention I haven't even been here two hours yet?? Grrrrr, Mondays and Jenny just don't get along.

On another note how was every one's weekend? Mine was great!! Well as great as it could of been. Friday night I met my fam at Esquire for dinner and we absolutely had a fab time!! I love my fam and they are always entertaining. It was great to see my uncle... I miss that guy and he looked good! Can't remember that last time I saw him. We then headed over to my Bro's work so my Uncle could see him and where he worked. I've decided I'm gonna become a regular there... like where everyone knows your name. That's my goal!!

Saturday Natasha and I walked in the March of Dimes... in support of premature births... right up my alley!! We walked like six miles!! Woot Woot Woot! All I gotta say is I'm one lucky bitch!! Just not to be in a wheelchair is a blessing!! Oh then afterwards we treated ourselves to Mimosa's and a little breakfast, it was yummy!!! Everyone laughed when I told them because they said only Natasha and I would go and get drinks after a 6 mile walk... yep that's how we roll!! That afternoon Brenda drug me to a party for Shannon to celebrate her baby and wedding... ummm yeah well let's just say it was the most awkward thing EVER!! I don't really hang out with any of those peeps and seeing Sandie is always way way awkward!! Nothing against her, but I chose not to associate with her unless I really have to. I did a lot for her when we were friends only to be burned in the end. Grrrr, don't even get me started!!

Sunday was a good too!! Chris had the day off and we hung out! It was nice to see his ass. That man is sooo busy lately that it was just great to see him... I know I know I sound like a broken record. We went to breakfast, then to some golf expo thing that he wanted to check out... we just kinda walked around and browsed and he hit himself a few balls, and we grabbed a drink on our way home at Streets of London. Then we kicked it for a few at my pad before he had to head home to finish this huge paper he had due today. He was cute... when he picked me up he was like we have a little problem and I was like oh what? He was like I have to go home after and finish my paper... he acted like it was something huge... it was cute. I understand yo I was in school once too. He is kinda stessed about everything so here's hoping things get better and calm down for him!!

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