Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gloomy weather makes me happy...

Is it funny that this gloomy weather makes me happy? I love a good overcast cold day... especially in April. That's Sac Town for ya. It's Wednesday, thank goodness!!! Half way through this damn work week. My night was good. Got off work and busted my butt to get to the gym and to a meeting at Sac State by 7pm. And let me tell you the meeting was pointless and was shit we already knew. Oh, but I did manage to get a $24 parking ticket, sweet huh? Then I decided to get Panera to go and they F**ked up my order and of course I didn't realize it til I got home. Then I totally forgot The Inferno 3 started last night and we all know my crazy love for all things MTV!! But they have started showing The OC on the Soapnet and I watched that last night... it was goooood!! Plus watching Beverly Hills can get old sometimes because I have seen every episode like twenty times. Don't get me wrong I still watch it!! It's a classic!! Oh and I talked to Chris and he informed me that he's busy til like Tuesday, ummm like a week from last night, sweet huh?? Not so much. He's starting a new job bartending and has school and work every day til then. No comment on the bartending thing. Geeze, it just wasn't my night I guess??

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