Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Hills Recap

I totally need to talk about the last two episodes of The Hills. OMG! Can you believe how Heidi is acting. So all I can say is Spencer is just dirty dirty dirty. So it was Jen's (she was on Laugna Beach a few times) birthday and all the ladies were out for it at dinner. Well Heidi and Jen decide they are BF's and are whispering the whole time about Brody and how he's coming out later and how Jen TOTALLY wants him. Hmmm, so not ok Jen to date someone your friend has dated, its like a cardinal rule. Miss Heidi is no better and she was pushing the two together saying oh Brody hella wants to mack you. You can tell how uncomfortable poor Lauren feels. Well the night continues at Area where Spencer and Brody show up. Jen acts like a school girl around Brody. Heidi, Spencer, Brody and Jen end up leaving to go to the guys house to after party and hook up. They don't even say bye to Lauren, just totally ditch her. This is after Lauren gives Jen a diamond martini glass for her present, ouch you just gave one of your so called BF's diamonds and she leaves to hook up with your old guy, burned. Lauren confronts Heidi the next day and Heidi totally lies and says she didn't do anything and to that Lauren says exactly you didn't do anything to stop it!!! Lauren says she's never been so Hurt before by any of her friends. And that she will never like Spencer. Heidi says well that's not fair and Lauren is like well Spencer did some bad bad things and he has totally changed you. Poor Lauren. Well, after the dust has settled Heidi states she wants to have "Lauren Heidi"time and they schedule a date to hang. Lauren rushes home from her photo shoot to meet Heidi, but there's no Heidi just a note stating she went to the movies with Spencer, ouch burned again. What will happen with my two fav ladies?? Why is Heidi acting so retarded?? Well ladies a guy can do that to you. The previews look so juicy...the shit obliviously hasn't settled and much drama continues...

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