Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Big Brother 7

I am totally and completely entertained by Dr. Will & Boogie...they crack my shit up!!! They are defenitely my fav duo this week. Their little fake phone calls to each other to talk shit are freakin hillarious!! I know that I am easily entertained, but if you watch Big Brother then you so know what I am talking about! I love it!!! Last night somehow Will convinced Janelle to throw a floater onto the block to get voted off and she totally listened...oh Janelle you totally just burnt your bridges with your own alliance BB6, what were you thinking??? I think Miss Janey may have a crush on Dr. Will. And boy does he know how to play everyone and it seems to be working...Dr. Will is crazy with a capital C. I can't wait to see who gets the boot tomorrow, will it be Erika or Diane??? But what I do know is Dr. Will & Boogie are very entertaining and I hope they make it to the end, if for anything just for the mere entertainment valve!!

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