Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Emmy Awards
I almost forgot to mention the Emmy's. Did anyone watch?? As you can guess I did...my addiction to things all TV forced me too. They were entertaining for sure!! Conan Obrien did a fab job hosting, I have always thought he was funny so I was glad to hear he was hosting this year. He is such a large man that it's funny to watch him dance around and stuff and be comical. For the important part~the office won for best comedy and 24 won for best drama. Kiefer Sutherland finally won for outstanding lead actor and Mariska Hargitay won for best lead actress in a drama. Although Extreme Home Makeover wining for best reality show over my fav gal Kathy Griffin was whack with a capital W. I think the best part of the evening was the tribute to Mr. Aaron Spelling. The infamous Charlie's Angels reunited for the first time in like forever to present the tribute. It was classic TV for sure!! They all looked really fab...all had a lot of work done...but all looked fab! Mr. Spelling I don't know where I'd be without 90210 and Melrose and for that I thank you! Candy and Tori were there but sat apart from each other...ouch that hurts...the family fued rears it's ugly head. What can I sy? The Emmy's entertained again!!
My weekend
First off I can't believe in a little over two weeks my booty will be in Maui!!! I am so estatic and I can't believe how fast it's coming. I have never been to Hawaii and I can't wait!! I am going with Natasha, Joe, Nicole, and Tony. I know we will have a fabulous time because we always do no matter what we do. It'll be great to see Nic & Tony since we never get to see them and the party is always fun with Natasha & Joe that's a given. I can't wait!!!
My weekend was good...nothing over the top or anything but relaxing nonetheless. Friday night I treked to Carly and John's for dinner...Carly cooked chicken and shrimp and it was way delicious. Saturday Natasha and I hit up Canidce's party and then did a little shopping. Then somehow I ended up at Chuckie Chesse with Natasha's neices and newphew. It was fun and I definitely got my kid fix for a while. They are for sure a handful and it was nice to give them back when the fun stuff was over. Macy is still my fav crazy little redhead but Max her little bro was way cute, he had a mowhawk...gotta love it!!! Kiera is really not sure of me so we kept our distance. But all and all it was fun hangin with the rug rats. Sunday my day was spent catching up on chores and running some errands, exciting huh??
My weekend was good...nothing over the top or anything but relaxing nonetheless. Friday night I treked to Carly and John's for dinner...Carly cooked chicken and shrimp and it was way delicious. Saturday Natasha and I hit up Canidce's party and then did a little shopping. Then somehow I ended up at Chuckie Chesse with Natasha's neices and newphew. It was fun and I definitely got my kid fix for a while. They are for sure a handful and it was nice to give them back when the fun stuff was over. Macy is still my fav crazy little redhead but Max her little bro was way cute, he had a mowhawk...gotta love it!!! Kiera is really not sure of me so we kept our distance. But all and all it was fun hangin with the rug rats. Sunday my day was spent catching up on chores and running some errands, exciting huh??
Friday, August 25, 2006
Weekend here we come~
All I can say is thank goodness it's Friday!!! I am so ready for this exhausting week to be the hell over!! I just want to relax and enjoy this weekend!! Tomorrow Natasha and I are hitting up Candice's house warming party and then probably doin a little shopping, that's odd, not really. Sunday is probably just gonna be my day to get shit done. But, I'll definitely be gettin my drink on after this crazy ass week. Chris and I are gonna hang but not sure when or where. So, that's all folks!! Hopes everyone has a fab weekend!! Peace out all!
Big Brother 7
I knew it!!! James got the boot from BB last night!!! WooHoo evil James is gone...I definitely didn't like dear old James. Even Janelle voted him off...ouch that hurts!! Chill Town is slowly picking people off and setting their traps. I think they are great and way fun to watch!! Will is for sure the more devious of the two and I could see him wining again although Boogie is a pretty good competitor too!! Only time will tell. But by far Chill Town is the most entertaining to watch and they make for some great reality tv!!! What will Erika do with her HOH power? Hmm, maybe she will spice things up a bit, especially since two people are leaving next week. Ohhh, this shit is getting good!!! I heart BB!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My life feels like it's on the D-list
Well, this week definitely has to rank up there as being oh not fun!!! I do feel like I am definitely on the D-List this week. I just have one big headache. Yesterday I spent the morning dropping off my car at the body shop, picking up my lovely dodge neon rental car, and then in the afternoon getting a cavity filled. Wow, exciting huh?? Not!! I already miss my car and it sucks having to drive a rental yet again!! I did however have a good evening, Natasha & I hit up Islands burger joint to celebrate her promotion... it was way yummie and I am glad I finally was able to eat there. People have been raving about it!! Although we ran into this random chic we were in sorority with and its like dang we can't go anywhere. Tonight I am so looking forward to watching Big Brother...I will definitely write an update tomorrow about who gets the boot!
I have to give a fabulous shout out this morning... WooHoo, Congrats, Bravo, Kudos, Props, Felicitacion, Hooray, Congratulations to Mrs. Natasha on her new promotion at work!!! It always a great day when someone moves up the corporate ladder!!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
~90210 & Melrose Place coming to DVD~
Can we get a moment of silence for this FABULOUS occasion?? Beverly Hills 90210 & Melrose Place are being released on DVD, well the first seasons so far, November 7th. Anyone who knows me knows I have this like serious addiction to all things 90210 or Melrose. I DVR both shows religiously!! I mean I have probably seen close to every episode of each, yet I continue to keep watching. 90210 of course is by far my fav, but Melrose is a close second. I am so excited by this revelation that it almost makes me feel better about my accident, almost!
In the exciting world of me~
Let's switch the subject to something else, anything else!! I am getting myself way worked up!! Ok, so let's see my weekend was pretty nice, can't complain. Friday night, Chris and I went out for dinner and a movie. We started at Fridays and then caught the flic "Snakes on a Plane" which by all acounts was kinda tramatizing, I already dislike snakes, so this just kinda reinforced it for me. It was better than I expected, but then again I really didn't expect much. I had a good time hangin out with Mr. Christopher...he's definitely keeping me entertained so far and as we all know that is a hard thing to do. Saturday I slept in, which was quite lovely, then I louged around and did some chores. Oh and then that evening I hit the mall, ahhh I know bad... me and the mall have this love hate relationship. I got a cute cardigan, a new shirt, some new kicks from Nordie's, and some shit at Victoria's Secret. But seeing how my Monday was gonna suck anyhow, guess it was well deserved, well maybe not but sounds good huh? Then Sunday I had a date with DG mailings and we spent a good part of the day folding newsletters and assembling invitations...thank goodness we finished!! What a task!!! Then last night Jakx and I went to Natasha & Joe's for dinner and a playdate for the mutts!! All and all I had a nice weekend!! Too bad it had to come to an end and some biatch had to hit me!!
All I can say is, why me? Some dumbass biatch rear-ended me on my way to work today!! Damn, my car totally has a bullseye on it. This just happened to me like 3 months ago...geeze give me a fuckin break. What have I done to deserve this bad karma? So once again my lame ass gets to deal with repair shops and ghetto, with a capital G, rental cars!! Ahhh, this is so not how I wanted my week to start. My poor dog is tramatized yet again, this is like his third accident, my fourth in this car. And to make matters worse I had just got my car cleaned and she was looking stellar, well NOT anymore!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
It's Friday!
What up?? I am so freakin estatic that it is Friday!! I was however once again woken up by the damn maintenance workers...all I have to say is this shit won't be cool at all if it happens tomorrow~I will be one unhappy chica!! Last night I hung out with my friend Carly. We hit up Bernardos for some dinner & drinks. It was fab to hang and catch up and stuff...we hadn't hung out in like forever! Oh and it always fab to see my crazy Bro and what he makes us eat, this time some random bacon chicken salad, but it was good I do have to admit. Oh and when I got my foood, a boring ham and cheese sandwich...since as Casey says I never order anything fun, he left the onions on because it is bettter that way. Why I even bother to order I don't know?? I should totally knock him off his rocker one day and tell him to make me whatever he wants!! He would be estatic!! We then headed to Old Sac to meet her man and some friends at some random bar called Speak Easy, random I know. We grabed one beer and then peaced out as I was exhausted and wanted to head home. Needless to say I did not see Big Brother or catch up on anythnig I missed from Wednesday. So I am totally out of the loop and need to do some major TV watching...we all know that shouldn't be a problem though. Tonight Chris and I are gonna catch a movie or something. As for the rest of the weekend, who knows?? But I'm sure I will figure out something to get myself into~I always do!!! Have a fab weekend all~
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Blind Date
Peace out "Blind Date"! The infamous show known for its scandalous spa scences and crazy on TV hook-ups is not being renewed for the next season. Roger Lodge and his famous tight shirts and sweaters have been entertaining us late night for seven seasons. Many of my evenings in college were spent watching Blind Date and Roger. You couldn't helped but be entertained by all the madness and random ass shit they did on these dates. Classic reality TV at it's finest!! It's a sad day~no more Roger Lodge.
I hate crappy mornings~
I knew today wasn't gonna be a good day when I was woken up by damn maintenance repairing the carport...ahhh and anyone who knows me knows I thoroughly enjoy my sleep. Then I realized that my college graduate self cannot seem to master the basic arithmetic of balancing my checkbook and had subtracted wrong and have less money then I thought... geeze. Oh and the bank had my wrong address on my new account and everything has been sent to my neighbor who has in return, returned it to sender. Ahhh, annoying huh?? And I feel incomplete since I wasn't able to view Laugna Beach or Project Runway last night and am going through MAJOR withdrawals. All I have to say is hopefully this fine thursday rears something better for me as the day unfolds!!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
So we all know that I totally love BB so I must chat about last night's episode. First off I am so not a fan of Janelle...she is so I don't even know what to use to explain her...she is so lame. I cannot believe she is HOH again and took away the reins from Erika who got the SHAFT big time!! Can you believe that on a show such as BB they were using janky buzzers, I mean come on, the money they make alone in advertising should be enough to get some decent game buzzers, wouldn't ya think? She said it best when she said she went from being in the penthouse to the doghouse. Danielle and Erika get nominated by Janelle, that's odd, not! Although Erika thinks she is safe becuase of her secert alliance with Chill Town but Chill Town has another alliance Legion of Doom with Danielle and James. Evil huh?? Chill Town is playin everyone. I totally love Will and Boogie~they crack my shit up!!! The shower scene with them and Janelle and Erika was classic BB TV for sure!!! Every guys dream!!! Except they swore they were playin the girls, doubtful boys. The Legion of Doom threw the Veto competion so Danielle could win. But whomever wins the special power will be able to switch everything up and nominate whoever they want!! I can't wait to see what happens!! I am totally and fully addictted!! That's odd!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
In the wonderful world of Celebs~
Ok, so I have totally been slackin and not commenting on the celeb gossip... so here goes~
First and foremost my BF Justin Timberlake, Mr. JT is so hot right and all over the place. His new song is great and I heart it!! Did I say how hot he is?? I can't wait til his CD comes out.
Hate Hudson & Chris Robinson are dunzo!! Totally wasn't expecting that one. So sad another hollywood "it" couple bites the dust.
Lauren Conrad aka LC & Jason are dunzo!! Now that one I could of bet on. They were a little crazy together. Can you believe she gave up Paris for him?? Geeze what the hell was she thinking??
Travis Barker & Shanna Moakler are dunzo!! Wow another MTV copuple wrecked. The two are already gettin dirty and talkin major shit about each other. Ouch that hurts!! Maybe reality shows on MTV not such a good idea for relationships?? Ya think??
Well, it seems everyone is breakin up these days. Maybe it's something in the water?? Geeze~how depressing don't ya think??
First and foremost my BF Justin Timberlake, Mr. JT is so hot right and all over the place. His new song is great and I heart it!! Did I say how hot he is?? I can't wait til his CD comes out.
Hate Hudson & Chris Robinson are dunzo!! Totally wasn't expecting that one. So sad another hollywood "it" couple bites the dust.
Lauren Conrad aka LC & Jason are dunzo!! Now that one I could of bet on. They were a little crazy together. Can you believe she gave up Paris for him?? Geeze what the hell was she thinking??
Travis Barker & Shanna Moakler are dunzo!! Wow another MTV copuple wrecked. The two are already gettin dirty and talkin major shit about each other. Ouch that hurts!! Maybe reality shows on MTV not such a good idea for relationships?? Ya think??
Well, it seems everyone is breakin up these days. Maybe it's something in the water?? Geeze~how depressing don't ya think??
Monday, August 14, 2006
Is it Monday again?
It's totally whack to have to be back at work today...why couldn't we all of had today off?? Sounds lovely huh? My weekend was pretty entertaining for sure!! Friday night was my date with Chris and we had a good time. We ate at Zolcolo's and then ended the night at Rick's Desert Dinner~which was great since I have always wanted to go there. It was nice just to be on a date with a normal nice guy...they are harder to find then you think. We are planning on going out again~I will definitely keep you all up to date with the deets!!
Saturday night Candice, Crystal, Brenda and I went to the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill Concert for Brenda's B-day!! It was my first country concert and I have to admit that I had a fabulous time!! The concert was really good!! B and I had a fab time shakin our booties and lookin cute in our cowboy hats!! Wish I had pics to share but I didn't bring my camera...lame I know!!
Needless to say my weekend was jammed packed and full of entertainment!! Gotta love juicy weekends!!! It's just sad to be back to reality and work! But all good things must come to an end!!
Saturday night Candice, Crystal, Brenda and I went to the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill Concert for Brenda's B-day!! It was my first country concert and I have to admit that I had a fabulous time!! The concert was really good!! B and I had a fab time shakin our booties and lookin cute in our cowboy hats!! Wish I had pics to share but I didn't bring my camera...lame I know!!
Needless to say my weekend was jammed packed and full of entertainment!! Gotta love juicy weekends!!! It's just sad to be back to reality and work! But all good things must come to an end!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
I am so ready for the weekend! I think I am still recovering from Tahoe. This week has been really long and I have totally been lagging on posting...horrible I know!! Last night was Bunco with the ladies and we all had a fab time as usual! I won so even better!! Tonight I have date 2 with Chris...so I'll definitely let you all know the deets on Monday!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Back to reality~

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Tahoe or bust!!!
Is it Friday yet or what?? I am so ready to be in Tahoe and not here stuck at work...ahhh. Can you tell I am excited to get away for the weekend or what?? This week will never end!! We do have to have a moment of silence for my parent's iguana Fred... he was sick and didn't make it...so sad. My rents are tramatized and I totally feel for them, Fred was one cool dude!! Well, tonight I am packing and getting ready...I totally need to get my booty to the gym though...I have been lacking this week...bad girl huh?? But most likely I'll get a mani/pedi and go tanning, well spray tan...ya know the important things. Well, I probably won't write again before I leave tomorrow so talks to you all next week!!!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Big Brother 7
I am totally and completely entertained by Dr. Will & Boogie...they crack my shit up!!! They are defenitely my fav duo this week. Their little fake phone calls to each other to talk shit are freakin hillarious!! I know that I am easily entertained, but if you watch Big Brother then you so know what I am talking about! I love it!!! Last night somehow Will convinced Janelle to throw a floater onto the block to get voted off and she totally listened...oh Janelle you totally just burnt your bridges with your own alliance BB6, what were you thinking??? I think Miss Janey may have a crush on Dr. Will. And boy does he know how to play everyone and it seems to be working...Dr. Will is crazy with a capital C. I can't wait to see who gets the boot tomorrow, will it be Erika or Diane??? But what I do know is Dr. Will & Boogie are very entertaining and I hope they make it to the end, if for anything just for the mere entertainment valve!!
Hump day~
I can't believe it's already hump day and I have had zero time to write...ahhh isn't that always the story. So how's everyones week going?? I am excited because Friday I am off to Tahoe for a ladies only weekend!! I am so ready to be off and outta Sac Town!!! Although, thank goodness that this week the weather has clamed down and I am not swamped at work...woohoo!! My weekend was fab...I did entirely too much shopping... yet another addiction of mine. I bought WAY TOO MUCH!!! But I did get a fab purse at the Nordie's sale...a Donney & Burke and its way cute!!! I Heart Shopping!!! Did I mention I am off to Tahoe soon?? Haha, can you tell I am stoked or what???
I have to mention my date last night...his name is Chris and we had a great time!! We met at Monkey Bar for drinks and then walked over to Ink for dinner...shhh no one tell my bro... he'd be pissed that we left Bernardo's to eat next door. He seems like a really cool guy and we plan to go out again. Defitinely more to come...
I have to mention my date last night...his name is Chris and we had a great time!! We met at Monkey Bar for drinks and then walked over to Ink for dinner...shhh no one tell my bro... he'd be pissed that we left Bernardo's to eat next door. He seems like a really cool guy and we plan to go out again. Defitinely more to come...
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