Friday, July 28, 2006

Big Brother Entertains again

Ohhh, how I love me some Big Brother...last night was sooo good!! I am fully addictted and proud of it!!! Jase got the boot from the house and oh how he was soo pissed about getting back doored. I am gonna miss seeing him flat ironing his hair and grooming himself... he was definitely way into his hair. Janelle got HOH and BB6 alliance is safe for another week. Wait wait the whole part with Mike Boogie in the bathtub with Janelle and Erika, WTF?? It was sooo his dream come true...kinda like a reality tv porno. It's like you wonder what the hell these people do all day??? I often see alcoholic beverages though, so I know they are well intoxicated. I think its fab that Dr. Will can say he hates everyone and wants to go home yet everyone voted to keep him. He is for sure evil. I am beginning to like Dr. Will and his craziness!! The part where they had his "showmance" Shannon speak about him was way harsh... she was so burned bad by Will. I don't know if Chicken George can handle eatting slop for 60 days though?? That will be interesting to see. James and George did make up and now James said he will keep George around for as long as he can, oh how nice of you James. I can't wait to watch on Sunday and see what drama unfolds!!!

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