Friday, July 28, 2006
I'm so stoked that it's Friday you don't even know!! This week has been the longest ever with this insane heat!!! I am glad the weather is cooling down and we can have a semi decent weekend. I have nothing too exciting planned... a little shopping at the Nordie's sale though, that is definitely a must!! Next weekend my ladies and I are heading to Tahoe for some r and r...I'm way excited to get away for the weekend. Its been a while since I've been to Tahoe and the last time all of us got together in Napa it was wild... so needless to say this should be a fab time for sure!!! Did I say I am excited that its finally Friday??
Big Brother Entertains again
Ohhh, how I love me some Big Brother...last night was sooo good!! I am fully addictted and proud of it!!! Jase got the boot from the house and oh how he was soo pissed about getting back doored. I am gonna miss seeing him flat ironing his hair and grooming himself... he was definitely way into his hair. Janelle got HOH and BB6 alliance is safe for another week. Wait wait the whole part with Mike Boogie in the bathtub with Janelle and Erika, WTF?? It was sooo his dream come true...kinda like a reality tv porno. It's like you wonder what the hell these people do all day??? I often see alcoholic beverages though, so I know they are well intoxicated. I think its fab that Dr. Will can say he hates everyone and wants to go home yet everyone voted to keep him. He is for sure evil. I am beginning to like Dr. Will and his craziness!! The part where they had his "showmance" Shannon speak about him was way harsh... she was so burned bad by Will. I don't know if Chicken George can handle eatting slop for 60 days though?? That will be interesting to see. James and George did make up and now James said he will keep George around for as long as he can, oh how nice of you James. I can't wait to watch on Sunday and see what drama unfolds!!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
It's hot in here!!!
Thank goodness this freakin crazy week is almost over!!! This heat wave has been CRAZY!!! Sac Town has been hot hot hot!!!!! I am just excited that today was only supposed to be 100...woo freakin hoo!~ First off, Big Brother 7 is on tonight and I am way excited!! Tuesday's episode was way good and I will definitely write more about it tomorrow. But there was some fun celeb gossip today so we must discuss that...
Celeb News 101~
Tori Spelling~is said to only be getting $800,000 of her father's estimated $500 million fortune, ohhh Tori sounds like you got the shaft!!
Lindsay Lohan~was rushed to the hospital, YET AGAIN, this time for heat exhaustion. Well duh, its hot Lindsay, didn't you get the memo or what??
Pam Anderson~states she is going to get married 4 different times, WTF??? Guess once isn't enough to satisfy her?? I think the fact that she is marrying Kid Rock is crazy enough, ya know?? It didn't work the first time so if they marry four times then its destined to last?? Yeah, right!
Celeb News 101~
Tori Spelling~is said to only be getting $800,000 of her father's estimated $500 million fortune, ohhh Tori sounds like you got the shaft!!
Lindsay Lohan~was rushed to the hospital, YET AGAIN, this time for heat exhaustion. Well duh, its hot Lindsay, didn't you get the memo or what??
Pam Anderson~states she is going to get married 4 different times, WTF??? Guess once isn't enough to satisfy her?? I think the fact that she is marrying Kid Rock is crazy enough, ya know?? It didn't work the first time so if they marry four times then its destined to last?? Yeah, right!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Wow~it's been a year~!!
First off~It's been a year now that I have been entertaining you all with my random thoughts and I hope you have enjoyed it!! I have and I look forward to another crazy year full of gossip and more gossip!!!
On another note Sac Town is in a major HEAT WAVE and I haven't had any time to write lately since work has been insane and my home internet sucks...damn dial-up!!! But don't worry I will be back!!!
For anyone who birthday week was awesome!!! Turning 27 wasn't so bad after all. Friday was spent getting a facial and mani and pedi...then Natasha, Candice, & I hit Bandera...since everyone knows I am like addicted to that place!!! Then Saturday all my peeps and I hit The Melting Pot for a dinner celebration!! It was a fab time for sure!!! The food was awesome and we all had a great time!!! I wish it was my birthday everyday!!!
On another note Sac Town is in a major HEAT WAVE and I haven't had any time to write lately since work has been insane and my home internet sucks...damn dial-up!!! But don't worry I will be back!!!
For anyone who birthday week was awesome!!! Turning 27 wasn't so bad after all. Friday was spent getting a facial and mani and pedi...then Natasha, Candice, & I hit Bandera...since everyone knows I am like addicted to that place!!! Then Saturday all my peeps and I hit The Melting Pot for a dinner celebration!! It was a fab time for sure!!! The food was awesome and we all had a great time!!! I wish it was my birthday everyday!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Big Brother Allstars
I like am totally diggin this season of Big Brother...gotta love the big brother allstars!! Its definitely gettin' juicy and this is only the beginning. The Big Brother 6 people have an alliance as well as Dr. Will & Boggie...who are two crazy f*ckers!!! BB6 are my fav right now. Howie is so dumb that he cracks my shit up!!! I hope that crying girl Diane gets the boot tomorrow!!! The fact that she said she smoked too much pot was classic though...she's all I don't care if the world knows...who cares if you smoked the ganga??
I heart birthdays!!
Two more days til my birthday and even better I don't have to work!!! WooHoo!! I am just stoked to have the day off!! I have a facial planned and quite looking forward too it. I am sure I will do something that night, but nothing set in stone yet. But its my day and I can do whatever I wannna. Then Saturday a bunch of friends and I are hitting The Melting Pot for some yummie fondue!!! It'll be fun to have everyone together and stuff since that doesn't happen often. WooHoo!!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Celeb News 101~
Brad Pitt~ is said to loovve being a dad!! Well, hope so buddy, since you got yourself 3 right now and still counting.
Avril Lavigne~ ties the knot with Sum 41 singer...suprisingly she wears a girlie dress and the bridemaids are dressed in pink...WTF? Not what I was expecting from the skater chic!!
Oprah & Gale King~ are not gay!!! Which I think is ridiculous...just because two gals are close friends shouldn't mean they are bi or gay or whatever!! I heart Oprah! Leave the poor rich lady alone!!!
Nick & Jessica~ are said to have had an awkward run-in at the bar Hyde Friday night...ohhh and he also had his new girlfriend of the weekVanessa Minnillo with him. Ohhh, how I would have loved to be a bar fly on that wall!!!!!
Dave Navarro & Carmen Elelectra~ are said to be spliting according to In Touch...its a sad sad day!! I liked them together and had high hopes for the two.
Thank Goodness we had celeb gossip to talk about because I was seriously having withdrawals and I am happy to be back blogging about the important things in life!!
Avril Lavigne~ ties the knot with Sum 41 singer...suprisingly she wears a girlie dress and the bridemaids are dressed in pink...WTF? Not what I was expecting from the skater chic!!
Oprah & Gale King~ are not gay!!! Which I think is ridiculous...just because two gals are close friends shouldn't mean they are bi or gay or whatever!! I heart Oprah! Leave the poor rich lady alone!!!
Nick & Jessica~ are said to have had an awkward run-in at the bar Hyde Friday night...ohhh and he also had his new girlfriend of the weekVanessa Minnillo with him. Ohhh, how I would have loved to be a bar fly on that wall!!!!!
Dave Navarro & Carmen Elelectra~ are said to be spliting according to In Touch...its a sad sad day!! I liked them together and had high hopes for the two.
Thank Goodness we had celeb gossip to talk about because I was seriously having withdrawals and I am happy to be back blogging about the important things in life!!
Birthday week count-down
Dude all I can freakin say is where the heck did the weeeknd go?? I am so exhausted today that I could of definitely stayed in bed all day!! Well, except for the fact that it is insanely hot today and I work at a heating and air company, so no sleep for me!!! My weekend was good, did nothing too special. Friday I was a total lame oh and decided to do nothing and actually believe it or not it felt absolutely fab to do nothing on my Friday night!! Although wish I had a hot date or something instead, but we can't have everything, ya know??? Saturday Natasha and Joe invited me over for a "cook-out" as Joe likes to call his BBQ adventures, it was quite yummie as usual and we had a good time just relaxing, drinkin some wine while the muts Batman & Robin played. Then Sunday I had a sorority meeting thing, yes yes I still do sorority stuff, Delta Gamma til you die!! Then last night the rents, my bro, and I hit the Rivercats game!! It was a good time for sure!!! It was a little hot, since Sac Town is in this insane heat wave all week!! But can't complain as its busy season for us and we likes it when it gets insanely hot!! Today is officially the start of my birthday week!! Happy Almost Birthday to me!!!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Hills

It's a sad day!!
Damn lelt me just say that there has been a major drought in the form of celeb gossip this week... nothing woth writing about??? Its definitely a sad sad day...
Taylor is MIA~
What up all? So my cat decided not to come in this morning...she likes to wake me up at 4am everyday so she can play until I leave for work, well today Miss Taylor Vaughn decided to be a bad teenager and not come home!! So now I have to go home at lunch to find my crazy orange cat!!! She is definitely in trouble!!! I know her too she is probably doing something she shouldn't. Well, my evening wasn't too exciting...hit the gym, watched some TV, ya know the usual. Tonight is Bunco with the ladies and I am way stoked to go!! It's at Natasha's pad so it will for sure be a blast and with some yummie food!!! WooHoo~I better win!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My Life on the D-List
So I totally have to give shout out to my new fav show~"My Life on the D-list"~Kathy Griffin cracks my shit up!! I am adicted to her show now and I honestly have to say she is my new fav celeb!!! You have to check it out if you haven't already seen it, it aires on Bravo tuesday nights. She is so funny and I love how she loves to bags on celebs and stuff, we all know my addiction to celeb gossip, well hers is definitely comparable!! I do feel for her though since her hubbie decided to steal money from her, to the tune of $72,000 because I really had started to like Matt on the show. Kathy just spilled her guts to Larry King monday night and said that he was withdrawaling money from her account without her knowing, ouch that hurts, huh?? Needless top say they are dunzo!~ I would love to see her live sometime and I heard she's gonna be in SF at the end of the month but I can't make it...its a sad day!!
In the random world of Jenny~
I've been in a kinda wierd funk lately and haven't had the motivation to post, so I apologize for my lack of posts lately. Let's see whats new with me? I am in countdown mode to my birthday week which is fastly friday is the big day where I turn a whooping 27!! Exciting huh? Not really, but it is the little things in life that amuse me, ya know? My friends and I are going out for dinner at The Melting Pot downtown and I am way excited just to have everyone together...since my friends and I are so busy that we all rarely make it out together anymore! It should be a fab evening for sure!!!
On a random note, I have decided to dable my way back into the crazy crazy world of online dating and have started talking to a few lads, who knows what will come? But I got over my burnt out thing and now I decided to give it a go again. It could be a disaster or it could be a success? Who freakin knows??
I also had it out with a firend of mine and it makes me sad to fight with her... but I feel like she really burnt me and I don't like feeling stupid and all for trying to be a friend, anyone else with me here?? I know we'll get past it we always do, but it sucks because I feel like I was a good friend to her when she really really needed someone and now that things have changed and she's back with the boy, she kinda blew me off. Whatever ya know? I am glad that she is finally happy because believe me that is all I have ever wanted for her, but at least I deserve the turth and not the blow off like I have been getting.
On a positive note, Big Brother is back with its Allstars and my man Howie is back with all of his craziness. Natasha doesn't like Howie, but I think he is great and way entertaining for sure!! More on Big Brother after thursday nights eviction. Who will get the boot?
On a random note, I have decided to dable my way back into the crazy crazy world of online dating and have started talking to a few lads, who knows what will come? But I got over my burnt out thing and now I decided to give it a go again. It could be a disaster or it could be a success? Who freakin knows??
I also had it out with a firend of mine and it makes me sad to fight with her... but I feel like she really burnt me and I don't like feeling stupid and all for trying to be a friend, anyone else with me here?? I know we'll get past it we always do, but it sucks because I feel like I was a good friend to her when she really really needed someone and now that things have changed and she's back with the boy, she kinda blew me off. Whatever ya know? I am glad that she is finally happy because believe me that is all I have ever wanted for her, but at least I deserve the turth and not the blow off like I have been getting.
On a positive note, Big Brother is back with its Allstars and my man Howie is back with all of his craziness. Natasha doesn't like Howie, but I think he is great and way entertaining for sure!! More on Big Brother after thursday nights eviction. Who will get the boot?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Hills

random celeb news~
Tonight is beginning of something great~Big Brother Allstars starts!! WooHoo! I hope crazy Howie is back!! I was never into Big Brother but I got addicted last season and now I can't wait!
The Emmy Nods are out~24 & Greys Anatomy top the list! Desperate Housewives & Lost get the shaft and aren't nominated hardly at all!
Ozzy Osbourne's London house catches fire~No major damage done! Damn can these Osbourne's ever have a normal moment? Probably not?
The Emmy Nods are out~24 & Greys Anatomy top the list! Desperate Housewives & Lost get the shaft and aren't nominated hardly at all!
Ozzy Osbourne's London house catches fire~No major damage done! Damn can these Osbourne's ever have a normal moment? Probably not?
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
My mini vaca is over!!
Well, my lovely mini vaca is sad huh?? I really didn't do anything too exciting but it was just sweet to have 4 days off, ya know? I did hit up the mall as promised, yet I was not satisfied with what I found...nothing too exciting...I was expecting much more from the sales. I did however see "The Devil Wears Prada"...and yes Natasha does hate me for not waiting to see it...sorry sister don't hate me but I couldn't wait...I will see again with you!! It was a good flic for sure!! But won't comment on it yet...don't want to ruin it for you all! Well, its back to work I go and boy does it suck to be back at work!!!
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