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Britney, what were you thinking?
OMG!!!! Did anyone else catch the Britney interview on Dateline with Matt Lauer last night?? I don't even know where to begin. First off, the girl would not stop smacking her gum the whole interview... I mean it got a point where I was so annoyed for Matt that I wanted to rip it out of her mouth for him, how freakin rude is it to smack gym while talking to someone...oh and on national TV too. She is so lame, this was her chance to make herself look good and she did the complete opposite. She just seemed really childish the whole time. Matt asked her what she thought of all the tabloids and she replied with it makes me sad and it's all trash...way to come up with an intelligent response Brit. Oh and did I mention the outfit, OMG, what was she thinking? A frayed jean skirt with a see through top and platform flip flops, classy huh?? She looked totally white trash. Her make-up was caked on and she had these fake eyelashes on that looked horrible, just horrible. Her hair, oh don't even get me started. I had such high hopes for Britney. Everytime Matt mentioned Kevin it was kinda awkward...but Britney did stand up for her man and say he's been workin real hard...yeah sure. Matt asks Britney to describe her son because he just loves hearing Mom's desribe their childen and Britney's response was that she would rather not discuss her son because she wants to keep him out of the limelight...ha really? Matt asked if she would change her life and she was like no I love it, but I just want my privacy and honey privacy and celebs don't mix...that's the price you pay sister. You can't have your cake & eat it to. She did plug her new baby line that she's starting because as she states she "loves money". The whole interview was a big joke I thought. Then the headline of the day is Britney to have baby in Namibia...are you Fing kidding me right now? This girl is just plain crazy I say!!! But don't get me wrong I'll probably be the dupe who buys her next album...I can't lie I'm a Britney fan and yes I have been to her concert...ok I admit it.
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