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Guess what today is? Its the season premiere of "The Hills" staring our fav girl Lauren Conrad from Laugna Beach aka L.C....although she no longer goes by L.C....that was a high school thing. I can't wait!!! It is probably a little wierd that I am excited about this, but I don't care!!MTV is back wih Real World/Road Rules Fresh Meat Challenge. The best part of the whole thing is they brought Coral back...sweet...Coral is a major drama queen and she makes for some fab TV for sure!! The only thing that would have been even better is if they brought back that bitch Veronica too. I know she'll be back eventually...these kids can't say no to partying and competing for money while staying in some phat house.What we would do without MTV?
Doesn't it suck worse to come back to work after getting a three day weekend? Why is that? Anyways, my weekend was pretty good, can't complain. Saturday Jakx and I babysat Sammy as Natasha & Joe moved. The boys had a fun time playing together all day. Then, I went and saw their new house, it is way cute!! Sunday I had some friends over for a BBQ~we all had a good time!! Afterwards, we went and caught the new X-men movie, I liked it, it was pretty entertaining, however probably would have been better if I had seen the first two, but oh well, what do you do?? The rest of my weekend was pretty low key...did stuff around the house, exciting huh?? Natasha, hope you approve of the new pink writing.In the wonderful world of celebrity news aka baby nation~Angelina finally pops!! Brad & Angelina welcomed a healthy baby girl Saturday named Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt weighing 7 pounds.Gwen finally pops!! Gavin & Gwen welcomed a healthly baby boy Friday Kingston James McGregor Rossdale weighing 7 1/2 pounds.Can't wait to see the pics of these babies~who will get the scoop? My money is on people magazine to get the exclusive pics. What do you think??
It's Thursday and thank goodness its almost Friday~! So yesterday as I am getting home my crazy neighbor Liz, who is known for listening to her self help tapes, is moving my trash cans. She states that they smell horrible and I inform her that it is not mine that she is smelling but my other neighbors. She looks at me wierd and I tell her once again that it isn't mine, ok not to say my trash can smells like roses, but it is not what is smelling so awful. She then states that she is going to call the home owners and complain on them, fine do whatever you want crazy Liz, call the damn home owners, whatever floats your boat. But get your shit straight before you go accusing the wrong person crazy Liz!!
In the wonderful world of TV~
Well, what can I say I knew that Taylor would win idol~I should of bet on him!!
Thought I'd think of something creative to write about, but nothing juicy comes to mind. My car is officially getting repaired, only a mere $4000 in damages, sweet huh?? I just want my car back!!! I am so ready for the weekend! I heart three day weekends!!! Well, I will try and be more entertaining next time I write!!
In the crazy world of American Idol~
It's like Idol mania everywhere I turn, who's gonna be the new American Idol? Taylor or Kat? My money is on Taylor, but whom am I to pick since I am not a loyal watcher!!
Peace out all~
In the wonderful world of TV~
OC~ Why is it that every show decided to kill off characters in the season finales? I can't handle it! I am still in utter shock over the season finale of the OC. Marissa dies in Ryan's arms...hello major dramatic and sad!! I was crying yet again, when don't I cry though?? At least on 90210 when Shannon Doughtery aka Brenda left they just had her leave the country, not die in Dylan's arms, ya know? Still a little tramatized for sure!! I cannot believe that they killed Marissa, WTF? Poor Ryan is going to be tramatized forever now! How can they just kill off Marissa?? Rumor has it, Marissa (Mischa Barton) wanted to move on and felt that her character had been throuogh so much that there was nothing left for Marissa to do. But still, Marissa can't leave the OC!
Can I say how much I hate dumb people who rear end someone?? CAR ACCIDENTS SUCK!!!! It has almost been an entire week since I was rear-ended and still I am getting the run arround from damn USAA insurance! The not-so-nice lady who hit me of course has to have the lamest insurance company ever to deal with, especially when they claim at fault! I just want to get my car into the shop ASAP and get the thing fixed, but NO that is too much to ask. Let me tell you, first it was 2 unreturned phone calls for me to call back yet again today to see that the adjuster will be gone for most of the week, oh hell no! This is getting dealt with now or else!! I finally got transferred to some guy who has informed me that now I have to go and get an estimate from their "approved" body shop before I can get my car into my bodyshop. Lame, huh??? INSURANCE companies suck!!!! And it is suppose to rain the next few days, not good for someone who's trunk doesn't shut... this is bullshit!! And all because some lame ass lady decided it would be fun to rear-end me because I didn't go fast enough on the green light. Why me??

Well, the moto of my day yesterday was that song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter...some lame biatch rear-ended me yesterday on my way home from work... ahhh, why me? My car must have a bullseye on it or something?? Of course she yells at me...whatever lady!! You're the one who hit me!!!! The light turned green and she smacked right into me!!!! My poor baby...she is always getting smashed up. Now I am going to have to drive a lame ass Cavalier rental car like last time. Poor Jakx was tramatized yet again!! Lucky he had his seat belt on too!! And I was wondering what I'd have to write about?? Figures, huh??
I have come to the realization that the TV season is coming to an end and I am going to go through withdrawals...what ever will I write about?? Now I will have to think of clever other non TV things to write about. Sounds difficult, huh?? My evening was consumed with watching Grey's Anatomy and chatting on the phone.
In the world of TV~
Grey's Anatomy~was a definite tear jerker, but WAY good!! I heart Grey's Anatomy, it is one of my new fav shows for sure!!! Burke was shot and had to go through crazy ass hand surgery to see if they could save his hand and Kristina flipped out and couldn't handle supporting Burke... ya know being a normal girlfriend and all...but in the end she stepped up, phew becasue I like them together. Meredith and Dr. McDreamy ended up hooking up again and the last scene you see Meredith looking at McDreamy and the Vet guy trying to decide what she wanted to do, ya know she's gonna chose Dr. McDreamy...which can still be an issue since he's technically still married. Izzie continued to try and save Denny and he finally got the heart he needed. He proses to her and she says yes. She is coming back to his room when you he see him flatline... ahhh I was crying like a baby, Izzie gets Denny his new heart only to loose him a few hours later. I was seriously crying like a baby, I couldn't believe Denny didn't make it, I so wanted him and Izzie to be happy and live happily ever after. I am still in SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Izzie then quits and walks out of the hospital and that is all we see. Rumor has it that they are going to move it to Thursdays next season which would blow if it is up against the OC becasue we can't have that!!! What to do???
Desperate Housewives (from Sunday)~DH does it again!! It was so good!!! Danielle frees Matthew and they run off together and she leaves Bree a note saying its all her fault. This sets Bree closer and closer to loosing it and finally she decides to admit herself to a psychiatric see her signing herself in because as she states she is about to have a nervous breakdown. I feel so bad for Bree. Lynette follows Tom to Atlantic City because she suspects he is cheating. She follows him to a house and sees him following a woman upstairs with some wine and Lynette flips. When Tom comes home the house is empty...Lynette took the kids and peaced out. Paul wakes up in the middle of the night to find blood all over his house and the police arrive and arrest him because they find bloody fingers...then we see crazy Felicia who is fingerless and hiding out in some cabin in the midle of no where. Can't wait to see what happens next week!!
It's Monday & have I said lately that Mondays suck!!!! Although today hasn't been too bad in the office, its just the mear fact of having to be at work at all that gets me!!! My weekend was juicy, ok not really that juicy, it just sounds good, doesn't it??? Let's see Saturday Natsha and I ran errands and stuff, got a mani pedi, ya know the important things. Then Saturday night I met up with my friends B and Candice for dinner and drinks. Tonight I gotta get my booty to the gym... exciting huh???
In the world of TV~
Desperate Housewives aka DH~will write tomorrow about...
Today has been a long day for sure!!! Is the day over yet? My evening was not too exciting...I hit the gym and then watched Gilmore Girls, of course!!! In the wonderful world of TV Finale's~Gilmore Girls~was sooooooooo good I don't even know where to begin. Rori and Logan's dad have it out in the elevator about him sending Logan to London. Rori says she knows it's to take him away from her. Logan's dad states it is not and that it is merely a way to make Logan grow up. Then Rory throws a huge London themed going away party for Logan. Logan tells Rory to ask him to stay and she says she can't. He leaves and Rory is left crying in the door way. It was sooo sad that even I was crying. Lorelai ends up talking to a shirnk in the back of her car about her life and more importantly her and Luke. Inspired by the shrink she goes to Luke and ask him to elope with her...he says he needs more time...she says it's now or never and Luke can't say yes... Lorelai runs off and into the arms of Christopher and the last scence are them two in bed together. Ohhh, you know Luke is gonna find her the next day and say yes to marrying her and then watch she's gonna be knocked up with Christopher's child. I can't wait til fall to know what happens, it's gonna kill me!!!!!8th & Ocean~ Kelly & Sabrina get into again when Kelly lands a Dillard's ad over Sabrina. Ohhh, is Sabrina pissed. They have a major cat fight in the car and I swear Kelly is evil for sure...yeah Sabrina isn't a saint, but that Kelly is a crazy biatch!!!! They do however do a Acuvue commercial together for which they get $12,500 for a days work and freak when they find out how much. Teddy & Britt are forced to act like crazed lovers for an audition and it is so awkward between them. Well duh? He totally asked Britt out and then hooked up with Heidi. But later they meet up and talk and Teddy informs Britt that he is no longer shagging Heidi and that he still likes her. Britt blushes and says he still has a shot. Teddy just wants Britt because she is the good girl virgin! Ohhh in the last scene you see someone new moving into the apartment and I just know it's Heidi...just to add more drama to the mix of course.
My weekend was pretty good, can't complain!! Friday night Natasha and I hit up Chevy's for Cinco De Mayo...we had some fabulous margaritas and mexican food! It was a good time. Then Saturday we met up with Jenn for her birthday at Ma Jongs at The Park of some chinese food. Then we stayed and played at the infamous Park was definitely a fun place to hang on a Saturday night. The drinks were pricey, but other than that the crowd was good and it was entertaining to people watch. We had a good time!! Sunday was Debbie's baby shower and we all had a nice time. Now it's back to work we go.Desperate Housewives aka DH~ohhh it was so delicious last night!~ I can't believe that Bree's son did the nasty with her sex addicted BF, crazy I say!! I was so not expecting that shit!! That son of hers is definitely a character. Bree's respnose was to drive him to no where land and drop his ass tough love I guess?? When Edie finds out that Susan was the one who slept with Karl, the shit hits the fan...Edie torches Susan's house...ouch payback is a Bitch!!! Betty finds out that Matthew egged Caleb into kissing Danille thus crazy psycho mom locks Matthew into the basement, this lady is one crazy biatch!!! What will become of the Applewhites?? Who knows?? Gabi convinces her maid to become her surrogate. Only two episodes left...what will we all do when sweeps month is over and re-runs start??Peach out all~
Finally, it's thursday...the week is almost over...this week has been the longest week ever!!!! I have no idea why?? So last night everything seemed to go wrong for me. My car started making a squeaking noise, that my dad assures me is just the brakes...oh just the brakes huh?? No biggie he says you can drive it until I can change the pads. What happens next?? I manage to drop my salad all over the floor...there went my dinner. Oh and my lame ass cell phone wasn't working again either, I was about to drop kick it into the wall...I just need to go and buy a new one but I was boycotting because my upgrade isn't available until next year, thus I have to pay full price!!! It's all a conspiracy to make you spend money. And to top it all off I think I over did it with my foot because it hurts today...ahhh. Things are all out of whack...karma is getting me for sure!!!! Did anyone else hear about the "rare" 1890 Van Gogh painitng that sold for more than 40 million yesterday... 40 freakin million, are you kidding me? The painting was created during the time he cut off his ear. It was sold by a private collector who had bought it in the 80s. 40 million to spend on a painting, could you imagine?? Wow, can we say baller??In the land of TV~One Tree Hill~ohhh, what can I say I love those WB shows!!! It was the season finale and boy was it good. Peyton confessed her love for Lucas to Brooke... ohhh was Brooke one pissed chica since Lucas is her BF and all! Nathan & Haley renewed their vows...although the red dresses with the purple flowers didn't do it for me. Dan found out that Keith wasn't the one who tried to kill him it was Deb...ohhh so Dan killed Keith for do you feel now Dan?? I don't like Dan, not sure anyone does. Then Haley & Nathan almost crash into Rachel and Coop who had stole the limo and were arguing in it. The limo goes over the bridge and Nathan jumps in after it. The last scene is Haley in her dress crying on the bridge because Nathan has disappeared. It's also revealed that someone is prego, but who?? Ohhh, not sure I can wait to see what happens. Yet another show to be addicted to.Peace out all~Oh I forgot to give a shout out for Bunco tonight with the ladies~WooHoo~can't wait!
I am Fing irritated right now it isn't even whole post got deleted...ahhhh and I had wrote a ton of shit and it never sounds as good the second time around....ahhhh!!!!!! Why!!!!! Ok, so lets try this again. It's almost the weekend...thank goodness! My evening was consumed with going to the gym and catching up on my TV, important things don't ya think?? Did I mention that I love sweeps time, TV has been oh so fabulous lately!!
In TV world~Gilmore Girls~ fabulous last night, just fabulous!! The whole episode was quite entertaining. Emily & Lorelai bonded over Loreli being forced to drive Emily around when her Lasic eye surgery went bad...quite funny Emily wore these big black Jackie O glasses and made Lorelai drive her around in a enormous SUV. Hilarious, I say. But the kicker was Emily bought Luke and her a house, a beautiful huge house near Stars Hollow for them to live in. Too bad, her and Luke aren't doing well, so Emily's house didn't go over so well, Lorelai burst into tears. I love Emily and her drama, but this time was actually being sincere. Next week is the final episode... and it looks quite hot, can't wait!!!!!Desperate Housewives~ was definitely jam packed with lots of drama. Gabrielle freaks when the birth mother comes back for Lily...oh it was so sad I even cried..felt bad for poor Gaby. Edie gets dumped by Karl, still not realizing it's Susan who is the other woman, and hires a PI to investigate...Susan is in for it for sure!!! In the crazy world of celebrity news~
Did anyone catch the video of Denise Richards??? Oh my what was she thinking?? Denise decided to bare all and basically shit talk on camera to mean come on its not like they are credible or anything, what the heck was she thinking?? Denise states "Heather knows why we aren't friends and when and why her marriage ended"...ouch Denise you stick it to her. Ummm hello duh, her mariage ended when you started bonking her man. Denise you are not the victim, you are the OTHER woman!! The title of the story is "Denise hurt by Heather's betryal"...please are kidding me??? Denise states "it is a betrayal because a lot of it isn't true"...ummm really then why would you let the paparazzi take pics of you kissing her man then?? Hmmm??Brittney is set to give a press conference tomorrow. Wonder about what?? Perhaps the fact that she is knocked up again, well that's old news Brit. Whatever, Brittney you used to be entertaining and now not so much.Paris & Stavros splitsville!! Dunzo! Paris' camp has confirmed that her and Stavros are finished. Paris has already been spotted with USC quarterback Matt Leinart, man this guy has so much game it isn't even funny. Paris with another boy already, that's odd, not really.In Jenny land~Mike aka text message guy...decided to email me yesterday this lame ass email saying hi... not even oh had a good time last week meeting you, blah, blah, blah, anything nope just hi, how are you? Random I say, plain random!! So I wrote back this lame email and nothing back...why even email me?? Obliviously things weren't that hot between us. Guys can be so random!!! Whatever, I say!!!Well, that's it kids I'm out!!!
Ok, so I forgot to give a shout out to the Kings!!! Go Kings!!! Who would of thought? The Kings pull off a victory last night....amazing freakin' amazing!
It's yet again a Monday. This day keeps coming around and it is never a fun day. Why? I don't know? My day has improved for bro and I had a lunch date and we hit the Olive Garden for soup & salad....ohhh it was yummie for sure. The waitress was whack with a capital W. Figures since I was out with my brother the chef and so basically don't F with someone who works in your industry, ya know? My weekend was quite fab for sure. Just basically stayed oh local, ummm basically ran errands and stayed in and stuff. Sunday was full of some fun shopping...haven't been for a while so it was a treat for sure. Natasha and I hit the Galleria Mall and the Ann Taylor Loft before heading to one of those Cabi party things at Candice's. All and all it was yet another wonderful day of shopping...umm I heart shopping.In the worderful land of TV~I have to report on the OC~It umm delicious...can I use that word...ok maybe more umm fabulously entertaining. Summer got smashed at prom, Marissa caught that Volchok guy making out with slut girl, Sandy and Kirsten, sad to say aren't doing good and Kirsten ends up breaking and takes a drink, Seth takes Anna as his date who by the way has the worst extensions I have ever seen, then Ryan busts some ass into Volchok...oh the drama is definitely heating up in the OC.Sopranos~ way better for sure! AJ was causing some issues and making for some good TV. It's about time that little Soprano causes some drama, ya know? Tony couldn't cheat on Carmellia...has the man been reformed? Doubtful. Very intersted to see what happens in the Soprano world.