Monday, April 24, 2006

the weekend...

So I kinda layed low this weekend...I did however get stuff done around my pad. Friday night I did venture out to Aqua, but the country thing is getting old and I wasn't as entertained or it could have been that I was quite exhausted, either way I bounced out early. So the rest of my weekend was consumed with walking the mut and catching up on TV, lame I know, but it was quite relaxing and nice.

So let me fill you in on the land of TV~

I kinda got myself hooked on watching re-runs of that Lisa Loeb show #1 Single, anyone ever caught it? Porbably not I don't think it did real well? But I actually am pretty entertained by it, Lisa is definitely made to be on camera...she has that kinda presence that you are intrigued by. Anyway, its a reality show basically about her life and her in the dating world. It's funny to watch her go through these random dates, I totally can relate, I guess?? Too bad the show flopped and I probably will never know if she finds the one or not? Bummer huh?

Sopranos was on last night...wasn't that entertained? Hope it gets better.

Big Love was actually more's one of those shows that you don't think you'll get hooked on, but you do...great another show to be addicted to.

Desperate Housewives was like a re-cap of the whole show, whatever wasn't worth watching.

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