Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hump day

Is the week over yet? Ahhh, this week has seemed so long. At least it is hump day and we can all look forward to it almost being Friday. I totally could have stayed in bed all day today, its one of those days. My dog Jakx is even tired. He had his friend over last night and they wore me out. Sammy is more like his partner in crime, aka Batman & Robin as I like to call them. Tonight I am heading to some friends for dinner, should be fun for sure. We haven't all hung in like forever.

Didn't anyone else get the memo that Jessica Simpson is exploring her options and may adopt. WTF? Ok, don't get me wrong I think adopting is one of the greatest things to do, but come on Jess, does she really think now is the time for her to pull an Angelina? I would just have to guess that maybe dealing with the divorce and stuff and just being a single lady would be enough for her, nope she may be adopting? Whatever floats her boat, I guess?

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