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I heart Tiffany
The weekend is almost upon us, woohoo!! This day feels like its going to drag on F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Its only like 11ish and I feel like it should be quitting time already. My morning started off by almost getting hit by this biatch in a kia SUV who decided she was going to switch lanes right into me, lucky I am pretty good at laying on my horn, so she got the message. My car is like a target for sure and that was the last thing I wanted to deal with today. I didn't watch TV last night because I was at a friends for some yummie homemade Mexican, ohhh my fav. So I have nothing really to report today, but One Tree Hill was new last night and tonight the OC is on...just in case you were wondering. I know I know it's these little things that entertain me.
I almost forgot to talk about my new fav reality show "8th & Ocean" it, love it, love it!!! MTV pulls through again for us reality TV show lovers! The shows follows models of the Irene Marie modeling agency which provides apartments for the models in the same complex on 8th & Ocean, of course. I'm addicted, it is so far quite entertaining to say the least. So far the drama has mainly centered about the hot boys, Teddy & Vinci, whom are heart breakers to say the least. There are a set of twins girls, Sabrina & Kelly who make for great reality TV for sure, always competing to see who is better, and of course one blonde twin is definitely hotter than the other one. Then there is the sexy Britt aka the virgin from Kansas. I know there will definitely be more about her, not only is she really really pretty, she's the new comer and you know the boys want to de-flower her for sure!! If you love reality TV and haven't tuned in, definitely check it out!
Is the week over yet? Ahhh, this week has seemed so long. At least it is hump day and we can all look forward to it almost being Friday. I totally could have stayed in bed all day today, its one of those days. My dog Jakx is even tired. He had his friend over last night and they wore me out. Sammy is more like his partner in crime, aka Batman & Robin as I like to call them. Tonight I am heading to some friends for dinner, should be fun for sure. We haven't all hung in like forever.Didn't anyone else get the memo that Jessica Simpson is exploring her options and may adopt. WTF? Ok, don't get me wrong I think adopting is one of the greatest things to do, but come on Jess, does she really think now is the time for her to pull an Angelina? I would just have to guess that maybe dealing with the divorce and stuff and just being a single lady would be enough for her, nope she may be adopting? Whatever floats her boat, I guess?
Some people just do not enjoy the TV like say someone like myself does. My friend, Natasha said that she was at work the other day talking about her addiction to Tivo and a guy basically informed her that she needed to get a hobby, excuse me? What is wrong with having an addiction to the TV? It's not like I am unproductive in my life and I spend all my time watching TV. Quite the opposite, I am usually quite a productive chica. I just enjoy watching it after I completed my tasks for the day. Ummm, don't get me wrong not everyone loves the TV, but I do and I don't think there is anything wrong with that and us reality show or any TV show junkies should be proud of our addiction!!! Whatever is what I say to those who don't approve of Tivo and all the joy it brings!!!!!
I am so so disappointed in MTV...the Gauntlet 2 finale was on last night and it was whack! First off, Derrick went out like a bitch and lost the last male Gauntlet, WTF? Did he really loose to Timmy? I was so not expecting him to get his booty kicked. Derrick is crazy when it comes to competing, so I am not sure if he put is all into or what? But he came too close to go and get booted in the last Gauntlet, ya know? In the final challenge the Veterans bet all their "coins" on the eating thing and lost to the Rookies!! Julie, aka crazy mormon chic basically lost it for the team when she had issues keeping down the horrific shit they had to eat, still not sure what the heck it was? Then, they didn't even continue on because they had already lost it by betting everything on that one challenge, dumb asses! They thought they were so cool that they were betting it all and going to take the Rookies down. But the Rookies won! I think they deserved to win for sure!!Now onto the entertaining part, the Reunion show that was on after. Oh, let me tell you...that Knia is one big time bitch for sure! She thinks she is the shit now or something because she won. She was polarizing Cara. Dude you could tell she has a great hatred for that girl. I personally think its just because Cara was in playboy and Kina is jeaulous! Kina was going off on her and Cara just kinda took it for the most part, whatever Cara I had more faith in you then that. Kina is just a big time Biatch!!! Beth lived up to her "Evil Beth" title and was definitely flapping her mouth about everyone. The whole fight scence with TJ Levin & Cyrus was classic. TJ was pissed and it definitely looked like they were going to fight then Timmy jumped in and broke that shit up. Even the host was in on the drama, classic MTV for sure!! I was definitely way more entertained by the Reunion show then the finale, but that is usually the case. Wonder whats up next on the wonderful world of MTV?
It's Monday again and I thought I'd actually write this week since I kinda didn't last week. I was a little bitter last week and not really in the mood, but today I feel it so here I am. My weekend was fab! Friday night I went out with some of my girlfriends and we hit the new steak house in town, Logan's. Then we hit the club Agua, where it was country night. I am really not too into country, but I get a really big kick out of watching everyone. The outfits are just crazy and some people are way into the country thing. It's quite entertaining to say the least. Then Saturday night I met up with a friend for mexican food, yummie as usual. We had a fab time catching up and chatting about everything. Sunday was consumed with a luncheon for my sorority, yeah I said it I was in a sorority and I'm proud! It was a good time to see everyone as usual! Us ladies love to get together for any reason!!Well, in the TV world, Sopranos was on last night. Let me say that at least it wasn't traumatizing like last week. It was actually really really good and I can't wait to see what happens with Tony.In the celebrity kingdom all I keep hearing is if Brittany is pregnant or not? Frankly I really don't care and neither should everyone else. If she wants to get knocked up again by that man again then that's her bad, ya know?
Can I say that boys suck!!!!!!!
Mondays Suck!! I know I've said it before but today really is the worst Monday!!! AHHH!!!
Happy St. Patty's Day!!! I hope everyone gets off work early to enjoy some nice green beer. Don't you just love it that the whole purpose of this holiday is to drink and get drunk! So get your drink on!!!
Today is a good day for sure!! Can I say how excited I am that it is almost Friday? I am just so ready to play. Well, last night I had my first date with this guy, Tim and it went really really well. We had a fab time chatting it up. He seems like a really good guy. We are going out again Saturday, so I will definitely let you know how date #2 goes, hopefully as well as the first!!!!In the celebrity world today~I am so sick of hearing about Brad and Angelina and their rumored wedding plans, get married already if you want, if not then give it up paparazzi!!!Jessica Simpson snubs Bush and declines to perform at a Republican fundraiser...even though she was going to get face time with the president to talk about "Operation Smile", a non-profit organization that Jessica supports. She states she would like to keep her policitial views private, good for you Jess, take a stand, I guess??In the wonderful world of TV~Tonight the OC is on~can't wait!!!!Gilmore Girls was a re-run this week, so sad=(.I have yet to watch last night's episode of One Tree Hill, but will definitely return with an update after I do.As far as American Idol world, I have yet to jump on the bandwagon. I know its a sin in the TV world not to watch but I just don't, not yet at least!George Clooney is causing controversy yet again. He is not a blogger!! He made Arianna Huffington, remember her, I'm sure we all do, remove some statements that she had on her blog that George had said in some answers to interviews. The main thing being removed was "George Clooney: I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!". George states he did not give her permission to use his statements. Drama for sure!!!
Tuesday is upon us and I am already wishing it was Friday...not sure what my issue is? But anyways what's new in the celebrity world you may ask? Nothing too exciting. Nicollette Sheridan & Michael Bolton are engaged...we knew that was coming. If I was them I would be saying why did we waste all these years dating others? These two were together back in the 90's and now they seem to have found each other again. What a story to tell the grandkids.Jack Black and his girlfriend have eloped! Are you excited or what? Thought some of you might find it interesting, although I could really care less...harsh huh?In TV land, the Gauntlet 2 proved quite entertaining yet again. Kina proved her insaneness yet again in the Gauntlet and she beat poor little Jillian and sent her home. Now the Rookies are quite peeved to have Ibis on their final team because she can't seem to step up when needed. The end challenge is right around the corner and it will be interesting to see who prevails. Will it be the Rookies or the Veterns??
So, it's Monday and back to work we go. Why is it that on Monday morning it is so hard for me to get my booty out of bed?? Mondays just suck!! My weekend was pretty good. I went to the bay area Saturday night for a friend's birthday. It was a yummy Italian Resturant in Danville. The food was fab, the wine was fab, and seeing the friends was fab! Then yesterday I did stuff around the house, picked up my mutt from my Mom's, and hit the gym nothing too exciting. In the world of TV land~The Soporanos was on last night and boy was it tramatizing! The long anticipated arrival of the last season of the Soporanos was definitely worth it!!! It was only the first episode and let me tell you it was something not to be missed. Tony was shot by Uncle Junior in the last few minutes... and you are just not sure if he is gonna make it or not. Tramatizing like I said...I was totally not expecting that and I am still shocked! What will come of Tony, the mobster that we all love to hate? I'm not sure if I can wait til next week?? The OC returned Thursday~WooHoo! It was good to see the kids of the OC again. But sad because Ryan and Marissa broke up. More to come about the wonderful kids of the OC!
Dr. Travis Stork aka the Bachelor and the lady who he picked Miss Sarah have called it quits...I had high hopes for them...that's what happens when real life enters the picture, ya know?Nick Lachey and Krisitin Cavallari (from Laguna Beach) are said to be dating. WTF? I mean she's hot and all, but he's hotter, well at least in my world!! Isn't she a little young for him??Dennis Rodman and Tara Reid have been hangin out. Talk about one random ass couple. It's reported that she was spoted leaving his crib Wednesday morning. And that she was paying off some local resident whom she allegedly ran her car into, not him his car. In the pics she looks wasted, I guess our old party girl Tara is much for the good girl imagine she had been trying to protray. But Dennis Rodman, come on Tara you can do better!
Project Runway finale was last night and boy was it fab!!! Chloe pulled it off and she won!!! I definitely knew after seeing each of the designers' designs that she would be the winner for sure! Her pieces were definitely the best out of the bunch!! Her collection was made up of glamourous gowns that just looked beautiful on the models! She knows how to dress a woman. Santio's collection was deemed too safe by the judges and it just didn't seem fitted to the models. I doubt we have seen the last of Santino. His Tim impressions were cracking me up once again, I was quite entertained! And the judges said Daniel V.'s, which was my pick for the winner, collection lacked a unity. But Michael Kors did offer him a job if he was ever looking, that was definitely cool of Michael and Daniel should be honored! I can't wait to watch the next season as I am fully addicted!!!
It was so fun to watch the Oscars last night. I have a review a few of my fav highlights from the evening. Best Dressed~Reese Whiterspoon, I just thought she looked phenomenal in her dress! Worst Dressed~Charlize Theron, WTF was she thinking? That bow was hideous! I wasn't impressed at all with Michele Williams and her marigold chiffon...didn't do it for me. Felicity Huffman and her black low cut Zack Posen was quite a shock but she did look rockin'. All I can say is can I look like Jessica Alba? She was hot in her gold color, more like champange color Versace dress! I totally felt for Jennifer Garner and her trips walking out, at least she caught herself. I thought Reese's speech was bravo and she totally deserved to win. Oh and you can't forget about George Clooney and his win...he gave an awesome acceptance speech and I am so glad George won. Crash picked up the win and I kinda had a feeling it would prevail. Three 6 Mafia wining was just plain crazy, they were so stoked and definitely get my pick for most entertaining speech. And of course Jon Stewart was pretty entertaining as the host as well. Overall, the Oscars was fabulous to watch as always!! Next year I am going to have an Oscar party for the Oscars, sounds fun huh??
Thank goodness it's Friday! I am so ready for the weekend. Actually, I just want to sleep in tomorrow, lame huh? But it gives me great joy to sleep in. Nothing too exciting planned though, suppose to go out tonight with some friends however the weather is insane and raining. So who knows? It's sometimes not fun to hit the town when it's wet outside. But needless to say I'm still down because I could use a night out!
As you can tell I have decided to not do any work this morning and just post...I felt like we needed some pics up in my kitty~Taylor Vaughan (can you guess what movie she's named after?) Basically meet my crazy ass kitty whom also has a love for Louie! She looks cute but can be one queen bitch!
I know I always talk about my fav TV shows...but really my fav TV show right now is the OC! Yeah, I said it. I compare my addiction to the OC around the same lines as my love for 90210 and Melrose Place. I can watch re-runs of them forever and ever. I probably have seen most all of the episodes like numerous times, but I still keep on watching them. It's lame I know, but I'm addicted and can't stop. The whole point of my ramble was to state that I am sick of the OC not being on for weeks at a time. How can you expect us to hang like that?? Geeze! Good news, it is on next week though, phew!
Last night I had dinner with my friends Brenda and Colleen. We had a fab time chatting, more like gossiping over mexican food & margaritas. Of course Brenda had to bring up the fact that last time we hung out I ran into the screen door...funny huh? Yeah they thought so...I'm glad I can entertain all! That's right I ran smack into it as I thought it was open. So I had some wine in me, so what? I did have time to catch One Tree Hill when I got home and let me say I am so tramatized. I am still quite new to the show and don't know all the stuff that happened in the first seasons so bear with me. Basically a student decided to take his own life after holding up hostages and the school for hours. If that wasn't enough, Keith went into talk to him but couldn't save the kid before he shot himself. But here's the kicker Dan comes in and then shoots Keith...making it look like the suicider did it. Is poor Keith dead? We don't know. I am still tramatized and need to rent the first seasons to fully understand this. All I can say is One Tree Hill is definitely another entertaining show from the WB.
Yesterday was my visit with the hemotologist Dr. and it went good! He said there was really no reason for me to worry about my enlarged spleen, thank goodness, I don't need any other health issues, ya know?? He said that I shouldn't freak out by being at the cancer center, how could I not? I had to go to the cancer center for this visit and it was not fun for sure! I hope to never be there again. But for now my enlarged spleen is nothing to worry about, woohoo!!
Girlmore Girls does it again! Last night was so good! But, poor Rory! I can't believe that her and Logan broke up. It was so sad because I love Logan and all of his hotness! Rory found out that Logan hooked up with a six pack of blondes while they were "technically" on a break. Needless to say that Rory was crushed and she is moving out and back in with crazy Paris. It's a sad sad day. Me liked Logan!! I am excited though because One Tree Hill is on's my new favorite show...I know I know the last thing I need is to be addicted to yet another TV show, but what can I do it's in my blood?