Friday, January 27, 2006

Totally Addicted!!

So I am totally and fully addicted to these damn celebrity blogs. Oh, how I wish I could write about what the celebrities are doing or better yet hang out with like Perez Hilton. I have to admit that my morning consists of turning on my computer and reading his new posts of the day. And my other new fav blog is Pink is the new Blog. Which is much the same as Perez's but he talks about the popular TV shows, my other favorite thing to do. Why, you may wonder am I addicted? Well I am a big dork who gets pleasure out of reading about the celebs. Brittany or whomever is the topic of the day. It kinda makes me uninspired to write about my own random thoughts as I wish I could be writing about the celebs too. I know I know it sounds lame but maybe one day? I guess you can't live in Sac Town and report on that kind of stuff, ya know??

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