Back to Cali! I'm back. My short trip to Texas was definitely entertaining!! There were 1200 Delta Gammas there from all over the country. Our days were filled with DG meetings and presentations... but it was all fun and I always feel like I learn so much and feel rejuvenated about DG! It totally reminds you why you are a Delta Gamma and why you Love it sooo much! Luckily there was a bar that we could hang in the evening and shoot the shit. It was also like a mini reunion of sorts... Brenda, Candice, Nicole, Courtney & I all got to hang and reminisce about our crazy college days! It was fun to hang with them all weekend. Love those ladies!! The Texas airport was a zoo on Sunday because it had been shut down the day before due to severe dust storms... so needless to say our flight was delayed a few hours, but all I can say is I am sooo glad we didn't get stranded there like some of the others, could you imagine??
On a sad note, my crazy cat some how unplugged my TV and thus no recording of the Oscars?? I am still sad about this. Everyone knows of my love for the Oscars. I can't even talk about it anymore... it's a sad sad day!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Dallas Baby!
Tomorrow I'm off to Dallas Baby!!! Woot Woot!! I am getting excited and I know that we will have a fab time!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Peace out!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Its already Wednesday?
Even though it's already Wednesday I feel the need to recap my weekend. Saturday I drove upto Truckee to play w/ Nicole, Tony, Michele, and her BF Steve. The weather was beautiful, the drive good, and the cabin was phat! We just kinda laid low and went into Truckee for dinner. We had a fab time catching up and just hangin. We then went back to the cabin and watched movies and drank a little. It was good times!!! I left the next night because even though I had Monday off I had a ton of shiat to get done... mainly laundry for Dallas. Friday I leave for Dallas for the weekend. Delta Gamma is sending a bunch of us to get some training or whatever you want to call it. More like a weekend of DG jammed packed all into 3 days while getting some partying in too!! After all we do know how to do that well!!! Monday night B and I went to eat at Cheesecake and just catch up and stuff... it had been a while since we had been out just us. Well, so basically my week has already flown by and tomorrow is like my Friday since I am off til tuesday...woot woot! Dallas or bust!!!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Drama in "The Hills"

Did you all catch Monday nights episode of "The Hills"? It was soooo juicy!! I definitely am more entertained this season then last. Things are quite icy between Lauren and Heidi since she decided to take Spencer back. Lauren tells Heidi that she'll be there to pick her up when Spencer hurts her again just like Jason did to me. Ohhh, this does not make Heidi happy... Heidi then says well Spencer isn't Jason. Then as Heidi and Spencer are out she informs him that Lauren now hates him and he'll have to prove himself to her. This does not sit well with Spencer. As any guy would think he thinks he did nothnig wrong and Lauren shouldn't have a problem with him. Boys Boys Boys you always do something wrong. Needless to say things escalate and get worse between the ladies. Lauren tells Heidi that she feels like she chose Spencer over her. Lauren storms out and doesn't want to talk anymore. Heidi then packs her bags and leaves. Girls Girls Girls didn't you learn anything from the Jason fiasco? Hope Spencer is worth it Heidi. He doesn't seem like all that... so help us out here Heidi show us what you see. Can't wait to see what drama happens next week in The Hills.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Happy Friday!
Well all I can is it's been a long week. Friday is finally here! Woot! Last night my bro and I went out to dinner at PF Chengs and boy was it delicous!! I am like totally addicted to that place now... which is funny since I never used to be a big chinese fan, but now I quite enjoy it. Random, I know? But would you expect any less from me? I think not. Not sure what my plans are for the weekend. I may head up to Truckee... Nicole invited me up to their cabin and I may just go. Although next weekend I go to Dallas for DG and I was kinda gonna lay low this weekend and get ready. But Trukee sounds lovely. So who knows what my adventures will be? I really have nothing planned so I should just go, ya know?? Have a great weekend all!
Gilmore Girls entertains!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
V Day
Happy V day! To be honest with you I have never had a spectacular Valentine's day before. I think the best one so far was when a bunch of us girls all went out to dinner. Except guess who ended up being one of our waiters?? My ex-boyfriend... can you believe that shiat?? Only me. Then one of my girlfriends... trying to ease the situation when she asked what my plans were tonight and I stated nothing hot... said that she was 28 before she had her first valentine. Not sure that makes me feel any better, but thanks for the thought, I think? So I guess next year when I'm 28 and don't have one then I can really freak?? But for now I am over it.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
~The Hills Recap~

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Current mood~"better"
Well, today is definitely going better for me...I guess there's really only up to go when things are going shitty in the first place. It's hump day and its very overcast outside, which sometimes puts me in a better mood, oddly enough? Last night I hung out over at Natasha's. The boyz had a play date. Then, Natasha and I hit up Islands for some delicious food. I needed some greasy food to drown my sorrows. Tonight there is a DG meeting thing and I am suppose to go... but not sure??? Anyways, hope everyone has a fab rest of the day!
Congrats to my dear friend Randa and her hubby Kevin~ Nathan Patrick Reynolds made his grand entrance at 10:38pm on Saturday February 3rd weighing 8 pounds 15 oz. He's a cutie!! Congrats to them both. I'll post a pic soon!!!
Congrats to my dear friend Randa and her hubby Kevin~ Nathan Patrick Reynolds made his grand entrance at 10:38pm on Saturday February 3rd weighing 8 pounds 15 oz. He's a cutie!! Congrats to them both. I'll post a pic soon!!!
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