Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2006
Manic Moday
It's freakin manic monday!! Back to work we go. My weekend was pretty entertaining. Friday night my brother, my cousin Chelle, and I hit the town. We ate some fabulous food at 33st Bistro and then we headed over to The Park...let's just say from there things went crazy... a lot, I mean a really lot of alcohol was consumed. I'll have to upload some pics tonight for you all to view. We always have a good time when we all get together and this was no exception... I even was on the dance floor for a sec and we all know how hard it is to get me to dance. I have like zero rhythm...more like below zero rhythm. I am definitely a white girl who can't dance. Everything seemed like it was going good until the cab ride home...yeah that was a big blur...the rest definitely went down hill from there. The next morning Chelle and I were hurt with a capital H. We had to meet my aunt for breakfast and it was a struggle for sure. But it was well worth it because we had a FABULOUS time!! Saturday night I went to B's Halloween party. I was although still struggling so there was no drinking for me. But it was fun to hang w/ B since we rarely do anymore. Then yesterday my ass was sick or something, I dunno know what the hell was wrong with me? I just felt sick and my body was way sore. It sucked big time!! Today I feel much better though...thank goodness!!!
In the celebrity world~
Ryan Phillippe & Reese Witherspoon~ are reported to be seperating...its a sad sad day! They were one of my fav hollywood couples! I am definitely at a loss for words and that doesn't happen much...
I'll have to include my Bro in this celeb catergory since he got invited to the Maloof's Halloween party. Sounds pretty sweet to me. Maybe he'll take some pics for us to see? I'm definitely jeaulous!
In the wonderful world of TV~
Desperate Housewives "DH"~ Last nights episode was spectacular!! DH has gained my attention once again...the first few were not so entertaining but last night's definitely makes up for it. The girls decide to drown their sorrows in margaritas...they proceed to get wasted. Susan is tramatized over having walked in on Mike and Edie getting it on in his hospital bed. Lynette and Tom had a fight over his resturant idea. Gabie confesses to the ladies that she still loves Carlos...but it may have to do with the fact that she thinks he landed a new 2 million dollar job and she wants her part of the millions. Susan decides to go to Ian's and talk to him, mind you she is quite intoxicated at this time. She interupts his party and then runs into the bathroom and loses it. The next morning she remembers nothing but does tell Ian that she wants him and wants to date him. I like Ian. Lynette tells Tom that she will support him and his pizzeria dream. Gabie seduces Carlos only to find out that he was playin her the whole time and there never was a new job. She said she wants him back and he burst out laughing saying I knew you would do this. She pushes him and he falls out the window only to get up and say "Oh, its on". So the Carlos and Gabie saga continues!
In the celebrity world~
Ryan Phillippe & Reese Witherspoon~ are reported to be seperating...its a sad sad day! They were one of my fav hollywood couples! I am definitely at a loss for words and that doesn't happen much...
I'll have to include my Bro in this celeb catergory since he got invited to the Maloof's Halloween party. Sounds pretty sweet to me. Maybe he'll take some pics for us to see? I'm definitely jeaulous!
In the wonderful world of TV~
Desperate Housewives "DH"~ Last nights episode was spectacular!! DH has gained my attention once again...the first few were not so entertaining but last night's definitely makes up for it. The girls decide to drown their sorrows in margaritas...they proceed to get wasted. Susan is tramatized over having walked in on Mike and Edie getting it on in his hospital bed. Lynette and Tom had a fight over his resturant idea. Gabie confesses to the ladies that she still loves Carlos...but it may have to do with the fact that she thinks he landed a new 2 million dollar job and she wants her part of the millions. Susan decides to go to Ian's and talk to him, mind you she is quite intoxicated at this time. She interupts his party and then runs into the bathroom and loses it. The next morning she remembers nothing but does tell Ian that she wants him and wants to date him. I like Ian. Lynette tells Tom that she will support him and his pizzeria dream. Gabie seduces Carlos only to find out that he was playin her the whole time and there never was a new job. She said she wants him back and he burst out laughing saying I knew you would do this. She pushes him and he falls out the window only to get up and say "Oh, its on". So the Carlos and Gabie saga continues!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Happy almost Friday!
This week has just flown by and I realized that I have not had a chance to write, so here I am. Things have been quite busy in my world. Last weekend was our big DG party and it was a blast! Well, lets be honest a lot of work but well worth it. We all had a fab time! The slideshow turned out fabulous, just fabulous!! Kudos to Natasha, Joe and I! Then Sunday my hung over ass went to Jackson with my Aunt and Cousin. We went to see "The Thunder from Down Under" aka naked boys dancing. It was crazy to see all those ladies going wild. We had a good time! But we always do when us ladies get together. Tomorrow night my cousin and bro are hitting the town. We are gonnoa grab some dinner and then probably go to The Park. My cousin leaves Sunday so we are gonna do it up!!
In the World of TV~
ANTP~America's Next Top Model~ My fav girl Miss Brooke got the boot last night and I as way sad to see her go...and to top it all off it was the night of her graduation that she missed to be on the show. So sad huh?? I liked her Miss Brooke she was sooo cute.
Gilmore Girls~I know I'm a day late but what do ya do? Emily gets arrested for talknig on her cell phone while driving and Lorelai and Chris, who were out on a date, have to pick her up from jail. Classic Emily behavior, huh? I love Emily and all her fab drama she brings. Logan returns to town to surprise Rory. Rory gets upset when their last night together is spent with him and his work friends, which includes a hot blonde number that makes Rory jeaulous. They kiss and make up. Whatever we were just happy to see hot Logan again. I love these girls and can't wait to see next week!
In the World of TV~
ANTP~America's Next Top Model~ My fav girl Miss Brooke got the boot last night and I as way sad to see her go...and to top it all off it was the night of her graduation that she missed to be on the show. So sad huh?? I liked her Miss Brooke she was sooo cute.
Gilmore Girls~I know I'm a day late but what do ya do? Emily gets arrested for talknig on her cell phone while driving and Lorelai and Chris, who were out on a date, have to pick her up from jail. Classic Emily behavior, huh? I love Emily and all her fab drama she brings. Logan returns to town to surprise Rory. Rory gets upset when their last night together is spent with him and his work friends, which includes a hot blonde number that makes Rory jeaulous. They kiss and make up. Whatever we were just happy to see hot Logan again. I love these girls and can't wait to see next week!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
WTF?? My crapiness continues...I inadvertently just saw who won Project Runway. Jeffrey. Somehow I figured he would. AHHHHHH. Nothing makes me more mad then my TV getting ruined. That's what I get for not trying to stay up and watch it last night.
Crapy Mornings Suck!
I am so GRRRR right now. My day isn't starting off too hot...first I woke up late, and now it seems that I left Jakx's meds at Natasha's house last night...AHHH I am so annoyed right now. Oh and to top it all off I have major cramps, probably too much information but whatever I don't care...Because thats the kind of mood I am in. I'm just hoping my day improves. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
It's good to be back~
Hmmm, what have I been up to you ask? Well, my evening was spent at Natasha's helping her put together a slide show for this party we are having this weekend. It is to celebrate Delta Gamma being at Sac State for 40 years. This is a big task but it should be fab when we are done! It is just a lot of tedious work scanning pictures. Tonight is part 2 of the slide show process...so wish us luck. This whole party thing has been quite crazy and I am just ready to have a fab night with everyone! This week is consumed with everything DG to get this party ready! DG forever! Haha. On another note my cousin is here and I am just happy to see her and be able to hang with the biatch. She is going Air Force Reserve soon and moving to Ohio with her boyfriend, yes you heard me right Ohio, that's far and its hella cold there. I'm happy for her, but does she realize that she is from Cali, home of palm trees and sun, and it's Fing cold in Ohio?
In the fabulous world of TV~
Gilmore Girls was on last night and we didn't have a chance to watch it. So I am dying, but what do ya do?? Anyone catch the new Studio 60 with Matthew Perry?? Love it!! Brothers & Sisters is another one of my new favs. I love fall especially when all the TV is new. Project Runway Finale is on tonight? Who will win? My money is on Michael.
In the Celeb World~
Madonna adopts baby boy. Congrats to the material mom!
Paris & Nicole reunited, friends again! Can you believe it? I was worried about that one, right, not really.
That's all for now~I'm out~
In the fabulous world of TV~
Gilmore Girls was on last night and we didn't have a chance to watch it. So I am dying, but what do ya do?? Anyone catch the new Studio 60 with Matthew Perry?? Love it!! Brothers & Sisters is another one of my new favs. I love fall especially when all the TV is new. Project Runway Finale is on tonight? Who will win? My money is on Michael.
In the Celeb World~
Madonna adopts baby boy. Congrats to the material mom!
Paris & Nicole reunited, friends again! Can you believe it? I was worried about that one, right, not really.
That's all for now~I'm out~
I heart JT

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'm back kids...
I have to say I have totally been lagging at posting...blame it on my writers block or the fact that I am still recovering from my lovely vaca. Either way I promise to get my ass in gear. It kinda sucks to be back to the real world, ya know???
Well new TV is in full swing and I love it!! I will definitely start to keep ya all up to date with my favs and my opinions and raves about each.
Ok, so I cannot write today without commenting on Paris and Shanna Moakler. Dude I love it when the shiat goes down. I guess Moakler allegedly punched Paris closed fist and all in the jaw last night at Hyde. And Starvos allegedly pushed Moakler and poured a drink over her head. Both parties have filed police reports. We all know the drama stems from Paris hooking up ith Travis Barker, Moakler's Ex. Drama! It kills me! I love this shit. What would we do without Paris and all her crazy drama?
Well new TV is in full swing and I love it!! I will definitely start to keep ya all up to date with my favs and my opinions and raves about each.
Ok, so I cannot write today without commenting on Paris and Shanna Moakler. Dude I love it when the shiat goes down. I guess Moakler allegedly punched Paris closed fist and all in the jaw last night at Hyde. And Starvos allegedly pushed Moakler and poured a drink over her head. Both parties have filed police reports. We all know the drama stems from Paris hooking up ith Travis Barker, Moakler's Ex. Drama! It kills me! I love this shit. What would we do without Paris and all her crazy drama?
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