Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Do you know what today is?

So sad to be home~
Back to reality!! I'm back!! Yes, it is so sad to be back. We all had a fab time in Maui! Maui is one beautiful place. We had an awesome view of the beach from our place and it was just amazing. The week was spent lounging by the pool and beach, drinking, eating, shopping, and just being lazy...it was fab!! We also went to a luai and did I mention that we ate at some spectacular resturants? I will definitely post some pics after my lazy ass uploads them. I do have to say though that's it nice to be back sleeping in my own bed and I did miss my children...crazy Taylor and of course Jakx.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Maui or bust!!!
Tomorrow and I am off to the city and then Saturday we leave for MAUI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Freakin Hoo!!! I can't wait!!! I will be enjoying my lovely vaca for 8 fabulous days !!! See you all when I return all sun tanned and shit.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
BB Finale~
Mike Boogie wins! Boogie took it all and beat Erika. I am kinda surprised because I thought Erika would get more votes, but in the end Boogie talked and played a better game. It's sad to see BB go...I loved watching it and three times a week at that. I was hooked for sure!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Maui here we come!
4 days and my ass with be in Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, thrilled, estatic, elated, happy, euphoric, and just plain stoked to be getting the hell out of Sac Town and onto a lovely beach in Maui. I am in serious countdown mode for sure. There are a lot of things I need to tie up as well as finishing my packing, but other than that I am so ready!!!
So, anyhow my weekend was good. I got a hella of a lot of laundry done. Exciting huh??? Friday night I didn't feel so hot so I stayed in and layed low. Saturday night Chris and I hit up the Cheesecake Factory...yummie, we all know how I just love that place. Then we saw some random movie called Crank, it was definitely interesting, still not sure what I thought of it though? Tonight I need to get my ass to the gym again, but I have a lot of shit I need to do too, so we'll see what gets done. Oh, how could I forget the improtant shit~Big Brother Finale is on tonight!!! I can't freakin wait!!! Who's gonna win? Erika or Boogie? I have no idea? But if I had to pick I'd pick Boogie. I am still bitter that Dr. Will got the boot, he was my fav! It's sad that BB is coming to end. What are we gonna do without it?
So, anyhow my weekend was good. I got a hella of a lot of laundry done. Exciting huh??? Friday night I didn't feel so hot so I stayed in and layed low. Saturday night Chris and I hit up the Cheesecake Factory...yummie, we all know how I just love that place. Then we saw some random movie called Crank, it was definitely interesting, still not sure what I thought of it though? Tonight I need to get my ass to the gym again, but I have a lot of shit I need to do too, so we'll see what gets done. Oh, how could I forget the improtant shit~Big Brother Finale is on tonight!!! I can't freakin wait!!! Who's gonna win? Erika or Boogie? I have no idea? But if I had to pick I'd pick Boogie. I am still bitter that Dr. Will got the boot, he was my fav! It's sad that BB is coming to end. What are we gonna do without it?
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Happy Thursday~
9 days and counting til Maui! Happy Thursday all. I love these 4 day work weeks...aren't they just fab! Last night the computer guy from nerds on call came to fix my itunes, which he kinda did. He basically informed me that I am in the stone age and I need to break down and get DSL. I know I know, but I was just being lazy. So anyways I still am not able to download music. Sad, huh? But at least itunes is working, I guess?? He didn't charge me because he was way late and really didn't do much. He did although have a grand time playin with Jakx...needless to say Jakx was in heaven. Tonight Natasha is having a candle party. I'm excited. I heart candles. Did I mention that I leave for maui in 9 days???
Laugna Beach

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
BB7 entertains~
Last night was yet another fab night of Big Brother. B came over to watch it and we got take out from Jacks. OMG~Will got the boot!!! I loved the evil Dr. Will and I was sad to see him leave. Janelle freakin kicked ass once again and beat everyone for power of veto. Janelle sent Will packing and teamed up with Erika against the infamous Boogie. I hope so because both the ladies were gettin played by Chill Town and one of them boys had to go. Boogie was one bitter bunny...ummm hello its a game and you got played sucker! Janelle and Erika bonded over some booze and like a thousand cigarettes. I can't believe it is almost over...how are we suppose to survive without watching BB three times a week??
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I heart 90210
OMG!!! I forgot to mention the fab 90210 marathon they showed yesterday!! Back to School with 90210!! They showed all the best episodes...Prom, Donna Martin Graduates, The Kelly/Brandon/Dylan one~Brandon proposes~Dylan invites Kelly to go around the world, & Donna & David's wedding...Ohhh how we all know I heart 90210!! I have them all taped and plan to watch all of them!!! Even though I have seen every episode like twice! But what can you do?? It's 90210 baby!!
Mondays suck when they are on tuesdays~
I have come to conclusion that we need 3 day weekends all the time. It was so lovely to have a nice extended weekend. But now its back to work and back to reality. Hmm, lets see what did I do that is worth talking about? Friday night I hit the gym...nothing too exciting. Saturday night Mr. Christopher took me out. We ate at Paesanos and then headed to some little bar and listened to some jazz...we had a fab time! Then Sunday, Natasha, Joe, and I hit up the fair. We of course had a great time as we always do. We ate way too much shit, drank some, and then walked around and people watched~my fav! Then Monday I had to hit the mall and get a present...big mistake! Everyone and their mom was there...it was insane. Then Chris and I went out for an early dinner, yeah that's right we hung out twice in one weekend, big deal for me as we all know!!!! I am now on MAJOR countdown mode til my ass is laying on the beach in Maui...11 days and counting!!! WooHoo!!! I am so stoked you don't even know!!
On a random note~Mr. Henry at Out of Sight Media gave me a shout out on his blog and added me to his favorite links...check it out...his blog is way fun and gives a blow by blow of his daily adventures as a paparazzi. Thanks for the add!
On a random note~Mr. Henry at Out of Sight Media gave me a shout out on his blog and added me to his favorite links...check it out...his blog is way fun and gives a blow by blow of his daily adventures as a paparazzi. Thanks for the add!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Birthday shout out~
I have to give a fabulous Birthday shout out to my dear friend Lisa!! Happy Birthday Girl! May you do it up and be QUEEN for the day!!
Red Dodge Neons Suck!!
On my way to work today I once again started thinking about why it sucks so much to drive a rental car yet again!! Damn red Dodge Neons suck!!! Some of my reasons why the neon licks are but not limited to~
Only the damn front windows are power, the back two aren't, WTF? Can you believe that shit?
The windows aren't tinted...How am I suppose to dance when everyone has full view into my ride? Not as fun?
Who knows who has been in that car? Or better yet whos germs??
No cruse control?? Huh, they still make cars without cruse control? What?
The car drives like shiat! Poor Jakx jumps everytime we go over any bump in the road.
I just don't feel safe??
Did I mention that it's a red Dodge Neon?
Enough said~
Only the damn front windows are power, the back two aren't, WTF? Can you believe that shit?
The windows aren't tinted...How am I suppose to dance when everyone has full view into my ride? Not as fun?
Who knows who has been in that car? Or better yet whos germs??
No cruse control?? Huh, they still make cars without cruse control? What?
The car drives like shiat! Poor Jakx jumps everytime we go over any bump in the road.
I just don't feel safe??
Did I mention that it's a red Dodge Neon?
Enough said~
Maui Countdown
I'm definitely on Maui countdown~2 weeks until we leave!! I'm so ecstatic!! I can't wait!! Can you tell I'm excited or what? Anyways happy Friday all. My evening was good, watched some TV since Big Brother was on and the VMA's. I only caught a little of the VMA's and I wasn't that impressed. I missed my BF Justin Timberlake's performance, so I need to see that but otherwise it was just ok. Big Brother on the other hand delivered again! Both Danielle and Chicken George got the boot. It was crazy. Now its down to Erika, Janelle, Will & Boogie aka Chill Town. Those two are devious! I can't believe they have both Janelle and Erika played and are using them. Actually yes I can. Classic reality TV for sure!!! Love it. They crack my shit up. I wonder what will happen?? My money is on the evil Dr. Will.
I am happy to report that this fabulous 3 day weekend is upon us. Not sure what I'm gonna do tonight. But tomorrow night Chris and I are going out...I'm excited. Then Sunday it's fair day and Natasha, Joe, and I are hittin up the crazy fair for some deliciously bad food!!! Not to mention some fab people watching. I'm sure we will have a blast as we always do. Then we get Monday off too...woo freakin hoo! Happy Labor Day weekend you all.
I am happy to report that this fabulous 3 day weekend is upon us. Not sure what I'm gonna do tonight. But tomorrow night Chris and I are going out...I'm excited. Then Sunday it's fair day and Natasha, Joe, and I are hittin up the crazy fair for some deliciously bad food!!! Not to mention some fab people watching. I'm sure we will have a blast as we always do. Then we get Monday off too...woo freakin hoo! Happy Labor Day weekend you all.
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